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Topical vocabulary. 1. To depend on зависеть от

1. To depend on зависеть от

2. To belong принадлежать

3. Origin происхождение

4. Minority меньшинство, несовершеннолетие

5. Disaster катастрофа

6. Political refugees политические убежища

7. Famine голод

8. Tiny крохотный

9. To scatter разбрасывать

10. To proud of гордиться чем-либо, кем-либо

11. Zealous усердный

12. To retain сохранять

13. Dose доза, прием

14. Furnace горн, печь

15. To denude лишать, отбирать

16. Incandescent раскаленный

17. Splash плеск, брызги

18. Molten расплавленный

19. Grimy запачканный, грязный

20. Pursuit погоня, занятие

21. To boast хвалиться

Ex.1. Read and summarize the text.

Ex.2. Suggest the Russian equivalents.

different nationalities, run by, untouched by immigration, instead of, to get a better life, to escape natural disasters, religious refugees, were made by Irish workers, unskilled or semi-skilled jobs, from small scattered beginnings, how to shape metal, proud of their craft, passed on their knowledge and experience from father to son, delightful residential suburbs, retain vestiges of the woods, he may perhaps be forgiven for thinking.

Ex.3. Find in the text the opposites to the following.

Familiar nationalities, small areas, from inside, experienced jobs, to lose, to gather, tiny.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 437 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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