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Astana is a symbol of hope

Практические цели: формирование навыков понимания оригинальной исторической литературы, развитие умений в кратком и обобщенном виде излагать информационный материал и научить вести элементарную беседу на данные темы.

Astana – the capital of Kazakhstan.

Akmola steppes have always been the territory of inter-ethnic communication of various nations and cultures. In the middle of the first millennium BC the Grand Silk Road, mentioned by the great ancient Greek historian Herodotus ran through these steppes. In the XIX-th century Akmola was a substantial commercial and economic center in the steppe. The history starts from the year of 1830, when the fortress with this name was established in the area of Karautkel by the Russian Empire. Such was the first stage in the development of the city.

The second stage with the paramount impact for the destiny of the city was the development of the virgin land. In December 1960 the city turned into the center of the Tselinny territory, which embraced all northern regions of Kazakhstan. Shortly after in 1961 Akmolinsk changed its name for Tselinograd and grew into a modern and beautiful city. Thousand of volunteers from the former USSR came to build the city and live there. Tselinny region became a great agricultural center with well-developed agricultural machine-building, meat-and-milk cattle-breeding and poultry farming.

In 1992 the city was returned its former name – Akmola. But in 1998 with the transfer of the capital from Almaty to Akmola, the city got a new symbolic name – Astana. This decision was prompted by economic, ecological and geographical expediency. Overall condition of the city, its territory, its being in fact the geographic center of Kazakhstan, well-developed transport system, balanced natural environment and other factors came to be decisive in making the choice. In othe4r words, the more balanced economic development of the country will be achieved. Astana is all in scaffolds. Construction goes on all round the city. Astana is becoming the international, business and cultural center of not Kazakhstan, but of the Eurasian continent as a whole.

Historically many towns and cities were established at the intersection of rivers with old caravan routes. The future capital of sovereign Kazakhstan is not an exception. The ancient name of the place where Astana is situated today is known as Karaotkel, and it is originated from the name of a Kazakh settlement at the northern branch of the Great Silk Road that connected Ural and Siberia to Central and Middle Asia. The caravan ford across Ishim river to Karaotkel was convenient and in accordance with the advice of the representatives of the Kazakh auls (nomad’s settlements) there was founded military fortification called Akmola in 1830. In 17-18th centuries there was large-scale resettlement of peasants from the Central Provinces of Russia and Ukraine into the territory of Akmola region. Akmolinsk of those times was famous for its fairs where one could meet merchants from all of the Kazakhstan, Russia and the countries of Central Asia. The wide assortment of national milk products – koumiss, airan, shubat, kaimak - produced by local craftsmen with much skill defined the name of that place as “Akmol” which stands for “White plenty” in Kazakh.

In 1992 the Republic of Kazakhstan became independent. The young state turned to the history and the lost original roots. And to contribute to the memory of the ancestors the city received back its original name- Akmola.

In 1997 Nursultan Nazarbaev, the President of sovereign Kazakhstan, made decision to move the capital from Almaty to Akmola. That decision was caused by the important geopolitical location of the city in the center of Kazakhstan and Eurasian continent, by the availability of necessary transport and telecommunication infrastructure.

The availability of land for the further expansion of the city played a special role in the choice for the new capital.

In 1998, after long discussions and many analytical studies the government of the country made decision to change the name of the new capital to Astana, which stands for “capital” in Kazakh.

The city grows and changes, becoming attractive for people in Kazakhstan and guests from abroad

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 1165 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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