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Text: Kazakhstan.

Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb: The Infinitive.

Практические цели: овладение дополнительной информацией о своей стране, знакомство с историей своего народа. Развитие навыков устной речи и закрепление грамматического материала.


The young sovereign state and its economy have set out on a new course in which the social organism and the whole complex of politi­cal and economic relations are being completely reorganized. The development of democracy, new property-ownership relations, and the steady move towards a market economy are creating favorable condi­tions for the emergence of a strong national state. As reality demands, the society and economy are more and more assuming an open charac­ter. But at the same time it is vital to take into account the traditions and psychology of the people, as well as the negative effects of the totalitarian regime on the mentality and attitudes of the population, which to some extent are nowadays obstacles in the way of change and more rapid progress.

The President of the Republic, Nursultan Nazarbaev, defining the strategy of Kazakhstan's development, said:

‘Fate has decreed that the time of difficult decisions on the radical re-organization of life should fall to our lot. The totalitarian society created over many years by the Communist regime collapsed literally before our eyes, and without any tangible outside pressure. The main reason for this lay in the fact that...from the very beginning in the for­mer USSR, the Soviet people never really felt that they were the true masters of their lives, their property, their country.”

Remembering that the policy of denationalization of the Soviet period brought the Kazakh nation to the brink of catastrophe and extinction, the government is paying serious attention to the revival of the national culture and language, and to the renewal of spir­itual and cultural ties with the Kazakh Diaspora, forced to leave Kazakhstan at various times in the past century.

The multi-party system is the decisive force in the democratic transformation and consolidation of the multinational society. The adoption of such a system will lead to the emergence of new political activists and leaders.

The most important political aims, and the main condition for the realization of economic reforms, are the preservation of stability in the country and the conclusion of military, political and economic alliances that will guarantee the security and the sovereignty of Kazakhstan,

The advantageous geopolitical position of Kazakhstan, facilitating trade and political ties with both Europe and Asia, can be used for linking Europe, the Central Asian part of the former USSR and other parts of Asia.

The country's internal tasks are closely related to the fact that for the first time in its recent history it has real conditions for all-round development, for the rebirth of the Kazakh nation and other national­ities of the republic.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 727 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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