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Sum it up get out

The last paragraph should tell the reader exactly what you want him to do — or what you're going to do. Short and sweet. "May I have an appointment? Next Monday; the 16th, I'll call your secretary to see when it'll be most convenient for you."

Close with something simple like, "Sincerely." And for heaven's sake sign legibly. The biggest ego trip I know is a completely illegible signature.

Good luck.

I hope you get what you're after.

Submitted by Julia Pykhtina



Note: Jeffery LaCroix is a veterinarian with an office in Wilmington. He writes a column for the Morning Star called "From Paws to Tails."

Here is his response to a letter regarding bathing a cat:

Dear Dr. LaCroix: I've heard that cats never have to be bathed, and that they have some sort of special enzyme in their saliva that keeps them clean. This doesn't sound be­lievable to me because there are definite "kitty" odors on my couch and dirty cat paw prints on our white hearth. Is this true about the saliva? If we do decide to give "Nice Kitty" a bath, how do we do that? — NSP, Wilmington.

Dear NSP: Fortunately for you, several years ago a client gave me a written set of instructions about cat bathing which I am privileged to share with you:

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 537 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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