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Give it the best you've got

When you don't want something enough to make the effort, making an effort is a waste.

Make your letter back appetizing — or you'll strike out before you even get to bat. Type it — on good quality stationery. Keep it neat. And use paragraphing that makes it easier to read.

Keep your letter short to one page, if possible. Keep your paragraphs short. After all who's going to benefit if your letter is quick and easy to read?


For emphasis, underline important words. And sometimes indent sentences as well as paragraphs.

Like this. See how well it works? (But save it for so­mething special.)

Make it perfect. No typos, no misspellings, no factual errors. If you're sloppy and let mistakes slip by, the person reading your letter will think you don't know better or don't care. Do you?

Be crystal clear. You won't get what you're after if your reader doesn't get the message.

Use good English. If you're still in school, take all the English and writing courses you can. The way you write and speak can really help — or hurt.

If you're not in school (even if you are), get the little 71-page gem by Strunk & White, Elements of Style. It's in paperback. It's fun to read and loaded with tips on good English and good writing.

Don't put on airs.

Pretense invariably impress only the pretender.

Don't exaggerate. Even once. Your reader will suspect everything else you write.

Distinguish opinions from facts. Your opinions may be the best in the world. But they're not gospel. You owe it to your reader to let him know which is which. He'll appreciate it and he'll admire you.

The dumbest people I know are those Know It All.

Be honest. It'll get you further in the long rim. If you're not, you won't rest easy until you're found out. (The latter, not speaking from experience.)

Edit ruthlessly. Somebody said that words are like inflated money — the more you use, the less each one is worth. Go through your entire letter as many times as it takes. An­nihilate all unnecessary words, sentences — even paragraphs.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 458 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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