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Шартты рай

(The Subjunctive Mood)

Бірінші топ
Present Subjunctive Past Subjunctive Past Perfect Subjunctive
I be He be We be You be They be I were He were We were You were They were I had been He had been We had been You had been They had been
Екінші топ
Should+Indefinite Infinitive Should+Perfect Infinitive
I should be He should be We should be You should be They should be I should have been He should have been We should have been You should have been They should have been
Үшінші топ
Should (would) +Indefinite Infinitive Should (would) +Perfect Infinitive
I should be He would be We should be You would be They would be I should have been He would have been We should have been You would have been They would have been

To have етістігінің жіктелуі.

Ашық рай (The Indicative Mood).

    Indefinite Continuous Perfect
Present I have He has We have You have They have I am having He is having We are having You are having They are having I have had He has had We have had You have had They have had
Have I? Am I having? Have I had?
I have not I am not having I have not had
Past I had He had We had You had They had I was having He was having We were having You were having They were having I had had He had had We had had You had had They had had
Had I? Was I having? Had I had?
I had not I was not having I had not had
Future I shall have He will have We shall have You will have They will have I shall be having He will be having We shall be having You will be having They will be having I shall have had He will have had We shall have had You will have had They will have had
Shall I have? Shall I be having? Shall I have had?
I shall not have I shall not be having I shall not have had
Future in the Past I should have He would have We should have You would have They would have I should be having He would be having We should be having You would be having They would be having I should have had He would have had We should have had You would have had They would have had
I should not have I should not be having I should not have had

Бұйрық рай.

(The Imperative Mood).

have do not have

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