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Replace subordinate clauses by infinitive constructions

E.g. He is so old that he cannot skate.

He is too old to skate.

1. The problem is so difficult that it is impossible to solve it. 2. The box is so heavy that nobody can carry it. 3. The baby is so little that it cannot walk.

4. He is so weak that he cannot lift this weight. 5. She is so busy that she cannot talk with you. 6. She was so inattentive that she did not notice the mistake. 7. The rule was so difficult that they did not understand it. 8. He was so stupid that he did not see the joke. 9. She has got so fat that she cannot wear this dress now. 10. The accident was so terrible that I don’t want to talk about it. 11. They were so empty-headed that they could not learn a single thing.

12. The window was so dirty that they could not see through it. 13. She was so foolish that she could not understand my explanation. 14. I have very little wool: it won’t make a sweater.

@ Exercise 5.

Translate into Kazakh paying attention to the Perfect Infinitive.

1. I am awfully glad to have met you. 2. Sorry to have placed you in this disagreeable situation. 3. I am very happy to have had the pleasure of making your acquaintance. 4. I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 5. Clyde was awfully glad to have renewed his acquaintance with Sondra. 6. Sorry not to have noticed it. 7. I am sorry to have added some more trouble by what I have told you. 8. When Clyde looked at the girl closely, he remembered to have seen her in Sondra’s company.

9. I remembered to have been moved by the scene I witnessed. 10. The child was happy to have been brought home. 11. Jane remembered to have been told a lot about Mr.Rochester. 12. The children were delighted to have been brought to the circus. 13. I am sorry to have forgotten to feed the rabbits.

@ Exercise 6.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-04; Прочитано: 1315 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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