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Переведите предложения с герундием

1. Properly planning production requires great skill.

2. Top managers are responsible for developing strategy of the company.

3. In decision making there is always some risk.

4. I prefer doing this work myself.

5. It is no use talking to them.

6. We insisted on organizing the meeting.

7. I like reading historical novels.

8. Children like being read to.

9. His having read the novel helped us to understand the film.

10. We remember having been read the novel by the author.

Переведите предложения с Simple Passive.

1. These skills are divided into seven different cat­egories.

2. The deci­sions are required to carry out any organizational activity.

3. What objectives and goals must be reached?

4. What strategy must be implemented?

5. What resources must be used and how they must be distrib­uted?

6. What kind of control is needed?

7. A number of different terms (терминов) are used instead (вместо) of the term «manager».

8. Resources will be converted into goods and services.

9. Most first-line man­agers are former operating employees who were promoted into management.

10. Standard operating procedure is developed by middle managers.

Чтение текста

7. Прочтите устно текст о сути профессии менеджера, обратив внимание на перевод:

Предложений с Simple Passive в абзаце №1;

Предложений с герундием в абзаце № 2;

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 493 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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