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Your work for Mrs. Martinez

(1) I am working for Mrs. Martinez who has asked me to contact you on her behalf.

Mrs. Martinez has (2) said to me that you carried out some plumbing and building work in her home at 25 Serpova Lane in August 20XX. Mrs. Martinez (3) is saying that despite numerous telephone calls and letters to your place of business, (4) you have been silent about the complaints that she has made concerning the work that you carried out. May I draw your attention to the fact that despite having no formal, written agreement (5) a contract of spoken words exists between you.

My client would like to raise the following points with you:

  1. You (6) promised you would remove an old gas fire from her living room and repair the damage to the wall. You removed the fire on 2 August 20XX, but (7) at this moment the wall has not been repaired.
  1. You installed a new hot water boiler in the kitchen and suggested that (8) for more money of £150 you would build a cupboard around it so that it would not be visible. You installed the boiler on 9 August 20XX but failed to fit the cupboard according to your agreement.

My client also tells me that in addition to this, you have not supplied her with (9) paper to prove that she has paid you for the cash amount of £ 1,800 that she gave you on 20 August 20XX.

Please contact this office as soon as possible so that we can discuss how to resolve this (10) argument as quickly as possible.

Yours sincerely

Rosalind Blackwell

Ex. 6. Read the following article and retell it in English, give your point of view on the suggested problem.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 366 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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