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Job Advertisements

A job (1) …………. in a newspaper in which an employer is looking for an employee for a specific (2) ………… is not yet an offer in the legal sense, which the employee would only have to accept in order (3) ………….. an employment contract. Advertisements such as these are rather an invitation to make an offer. Therefore the employer is only obliged (4) ………….. expenses related to an interview (travelling expenses, possible (5) ………… of bed and board), if he expressly invites interested candidates for (6) ………….. in the advertisement.

According to the Civil code an employer must not (7) …………. a position, neither publicly nor within the (8) ………… as exclusively for men or exclusively for women. The only exception to this arises in cases where being one sex or the other is an essential (9) ……………. for the (10) …………. at hand (e.g. the advertisement for the role of a male actor (11) …………. not be formulated for (12) …………, too). This regulation is designed to (13) ……….. that prohibition of discrimination on account of one’s sex is applied even at the stage of job advertisement. The (14) ………. to advertise jobs in a way which does (15) …………. against sex is both applicable for public advertisements of the employer, e.g. in newspapers, and for advertisements within the firm.

Ex. 11. The following text deals with aspects of employee health and safety. Complete the gaps with an appropriate word derived from the words given.

Workplace (1) ………… (safety) and (2) ……………. (healthy) law establish basic standards aimed at reducing the numbers of (3) ……………. (ill), (4) ………….. (injure) and (5) ………….. (die) in workplaces. Because most workplace safety (6) …………….. (regulate) rely for their effectiveness on employees who are willing to report job (7) …………… (dangerous), most laws also prevent employers from firing or discriminating against employees who report (8) ………….. (safe) conditions to proper authority.

Workers’ compensation laws are designed to ensure that employees who are (9) ………….. (injure) or (10) …………… (disable) on the job are provided with fixed (11) …………… (money) awards, eliminating the need for litigation. These laws also provide benefits for (12) …………… (depend) of those (13) ………… (work) who are killed because of work-related accidents or illnesses. Some laws also provide (14) …………. (protect) for employers and fellow workers by limiting the amount an injured employee can (15) …………… (recovery) from an employer and by eliminating the (16) …………. (liable) of co-workers in most accidents.

Listening 8. Listen to the following funny song “ Nursery Rhyme Lawyer Lyrics ” by Throwing Toasters and fill in the missing words or phrases. What do you think about the work of a lawyer and this song?

This is a great song about a lawyer who represents characters from popular nursery rhymes. Humpty Dumpty, Jack 'n Jill - all victims of needless accidents. Who do you call? The Nursery Rhyme Lawyer. Who else is going to serve a restraining order to keep the spider away from Little Miss Muffet.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 502 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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