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Formal Requirements

Basically the contract of employment doesn’t require a written or any other form, i.e. it may (1) ……… be concluded orally. Exceptions apply to so-called staff regulation officers of the (2) …………health insurance funds and of the industrial accident (3) ………. institution. However, the written form is recommended in order to avoid the burden of (4) ……….. in case of differences of opinion later on.

Vocational (5) …………. contracts needn’t be written in order to be legally (6) ………... However, immediately upon conclusion of the contracts the (7) …………… providing training has to lay down the basic contents in (8) ………...

In case an (9) ……….. on the prohibition of competition is made for the time after (10) ………… of employment, the written form must be kept. This doesn’t necessarily apply to the remaining points of the employment (11) ………...

A collective agreement, works agreement or a contract between employer and employee may (12) …………. for written form for the whole contract of (13) ………… or for individual (14) ………… of the contract. An individual agreement may be altered without formality at any time, if both the employee and the employer agree that the new oral agreement is to be (15) ………...

Ex. 10. Read the following text. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the box.

firm costs job task women advertise discriminates to conclude to refund interview advertisement need regulation to ensure prerequisite

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 396 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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