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Intrusion Management

Intrusion management is a four-step process. The steps are avoidance, assurance, detection and investigation. Intrusion management has as its objective: limiting the possibility of a successful intrusion through effective preventative, quality management and detective processes, and facilitating successful investigation of an intrusion should one occur. The primary goal of intrusion management is to prevent intrusions entirely. We can address that goal by implementing a program of effective security controls. Those controls should be present at every interface point within an information management system. Effective controls grow out of effective information security policies, standards and practices. Organizations should impose controls aimed at mitigating threats against functional areas of vulnerability at each interface point. There are six such functional areas of vulnerability:

1. Identification and Authentication: functions intended to establish and verify the identity of the user or using process.

2. Access Control: functions intended to control the flow of data between, and the use of resources by users, processes and objects. This includes administration and verification of access rights.

3. Accountability: functions intended to record exercising of rights to perform security-relevant actions.

4. Object Re-use: functions intended to control reuse or scavenging of data objects.

5. Accuracy: functions intended to insure correctness and consistency of security-relevant information.

6. Reliability of Service: functions intended to insure security of data over communication links.

Exercise 14. Answer the following questions.

1. Is intrusion management a four-step or five-step process? 2. What are the steps of intrusion management process? 3. Is the primary goal of intrusion management to limit the possibility of a successful intrusion or to prevent intrusions entirely? 4. In which way can we get that goal? 5. What are security controls aimed at? 6. How many functional areas of vulnerability are there? What are they?

Exercise 15. Match the names of vulnerability areas in the first column and their functions in the second one.

1. Identification and Authentication 1. to control the flow of data between and the use of resources by users, processes and objects
2. Access Control 2. to record exercising of rights to perform security-relevant actions
3. Accountability 3. to establish and verify the identity of the user or using process
4. Object Re-use 4. to insure security and data over communication links
5. Accuracy 5. to control reuse and scavenging of data objects
6. Reliability of Service 6. to insure correctness and consistency of security-relevant information

Exercise 16. Using words and word combinations of Exercise 15 make up six sentences according to the pattern:

… is / are intended to / for …

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 228 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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