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Text 3. The World Wide Web

Until the early 1990’s, most information on the Internet consisted only of text. The introduction to the Internet of a feature called the World Wide Web in 1991 made it possible to include graphics, animation, video, and sound. With the arrival of these multimedia tools, tremendous numbers of people began to use the Internet.

The World Wide Web consists of tens of millions of documents, databases, bulletin boards, and electronic publications, such as newspapers, books, and magazines. Much of the information has been converted from print into digital form, but even more has been created specifically for the Web.

Every site on the Internet – whether a World Wide Web site or not – has a computer address that is registered in a central location. This address is known as the site’s uniform resource locator (URL). Using software that connects to the Internet – called navigation or browser software – a computer operator can select a URL that contains information the operator wishes to examine. The computer then contacts that address, making the information available to the operator.

With millions of separate URL’s, indexing is an important Internet function. Indexing services – located on the Internet itself – enable users to search for specific information by entering the topic that inte-rests them. The indexing service then searches the Internet for sites that contain information on those topics.

Exercise 22. Answer the following questions:

1. What made it possible to use graphics animation, video, and sound on the Internet? 2. What does the World Wide Web include? 3. Does every site on the Internet have a computer address? 4. Where is this address registered and what is it called? 5. How can a computer operator select URL that contains information he wishes to examine? 6. What services enable users to search for specific information? 7. In which way does the indexing service enable the user to search for the desired information?

Exercise 23. Memorize the following terms:

on-line / online оперативний, електронний, діалоговий, інтерактивний, онлайновий, постійно ввімкнений оперативный, электронный, диалоговый, интерактивный, онлайновый, постоянно включенный
on-line service онлайнова служба, (мережна) оператив-на інформаційна служба онлайновая служба, (сетевая) оперативная информационная служба
feature можливість, властивість, риса, особливість, засіб, функція, характеристика возможность, свойство, черта, особенность, средство, функция, характеристика
mailbox поштова скринька почтовый ящик
chat room «переговорна зала», клубна кімнатa, клуб «переговорный зал», клубная комната, клуб

Exercise 24. Read and translate text 4.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 275 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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