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Advantages / disadvantages of being a company man

Task 9. Take into account the two meanings of “COMPANY OFFICER”.

1. молодший офіцер (офіцер сухопутних, морських або військово-повітряних збройних сил, що має звання капітіна або лейтенанта);

2. працівник (приватної) компанії; посадова особа компанії; член керівництва компанії (наприклад, один із директорів компанії).

Task 10. Study the following words.

· In both BrE and AmE, the word company can refer to any type of business organization, but it is usually refers to a business that has been incorporated (= created according to a particular set of laws). · The laws of different countries allow for different types of companies to be created. The type company is shown by an abbreviation after its name. · In AmE, but not BrE, the word corporation is used after the name of a business to show that it has been incorporated. · In BrE, the word corporation is usually used for foreign or international companies or public organizations: a multinational corporation; the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

Task 11. Practice reading the following words.

1. abbreviation[ֽəbri:vi`eı∫ən] 2. A.D.[ֽeı`di:] 3. although[O: l `ðəu] / [O: l `ðou] 4. association[əֽsəusi`eı∫ən] 78% / [əֽsəu∫i`eı∫ən] 22% 5. co.[kəu] / [kou] 6. common[`kOmən] / [`kα:mən] 7. company[`kAmp ə ni] 8. corporation[ֽkO:pə`reı∫ən] / [ֽkO:rpə`reı∫ən] 9. debt[det] 10. definition[ֽdefə`nı∫ən] 11. to emphasize[`empfəsaız] 12. empire[`empa ı ə] / [`empaıər] 13. employee[ım`plOıi:] / [ֽemplOı`i:] 14. especially[ı`spe∫əli] 15. incorporated[ın`kO:pəreıtıd] 16. initial[ı`nı∫əl] 17. jurisdiction[ֽGuərıs`dık∫ən] 18. legal[`li:gəl] 19. nature[`neıt∫ə] / [`neıt∫ər] 20. organization[ֽO:g ə naı`zeı∫ən] / [ֽO:rg ə nə`zeı∫ən] 21. owned[əund] / [ound] 22. person[`pə:sən] 23. personnel[ֽpə:sə`nel] 24. precise[pri`saıs] 25. private[`praıvət] 26. public[`pAblık] 27. to refer[ri`fə:] 28. registered[`reGıstəd] / [`reGıstərəd] 29. traced[treıst] 30. transfer n [`træntsfə:] 31. trust[trAst] 32. type[taıp] 33. various[`veəriəs] / [`veriəs] 34. to vary[`veəri] / [`veri] 35. whether[`weðə] / [`hweðə] / [`weðər] 36. whose[hu:z]

Task 12. Read the text.

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