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II. Making a suggestion to a business client, etc

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I'd like to suggest we I wonder if you'd like to I thought you might like to   (go to the theatre)

Agreeing … … and responding

Yes, I think that's an excellent suggestion (proposal) Good. (Now what would you like to see?)

Disagreeing politely … …and responding

Well, I’d rather not, if you don't mind. No, not at all. What would you like to do?


I. Make suggestions to a friend and agree or disagree about the following:

1. go to the pictures 4. go shooting

2. dine out tonight 5. go to a variety show

3. have a party 6. play a game of billiards.

II. Make suggestions to a business client and agree or disagree about the following:

1. discuss the contract over dinner 4. look around the factory before lunch

2. visit our branch tomorrow 5. go sightseeing

3. talk to the staff before the meeting 6. meet at the office at seven


Find English equivalents

1. –Я бы хотел предложить осмотреть завод до обеда. -Я думаю, это отличное предложение. -Хорошо. Что бы вы хотели увидеть? 2. –Как насчет того, чтобы сыграть партию в бильярд? -Думаю, нет. -Есть другие предложения? 3. –Я думал, вы, возможно, захотите осмотреть достопримечательности. -Это было бы очень интересно, но … -Ну, если вас не очень интересуют достопримечательности, мы могли бы сходить в театр. 4. –Почему бы нам не сходить в кино? -Отличная мысль! -Хорошо, тогда пойдем! 5. –Не хотели бы вы посетить наш филиал завтра? -Если вы не возражаете, то нет. -Нет, ничуть. А что бы вы хотели сделать? 6. Давай устроим вечеринку! Полагаю, это мысль, но… - Ну, обдумай это. Нам не надо решать сейчас. a) Why don't we go to the pictures? - That's a great idea! - Good. Now, let's go! b) I wonder if you'd like to visit our branch tomorrow. - Well, I'd rather not, if you don't mind. - No, not at all. What would you like to do? c) Let's have a party! - It's an idea, I suppose, but… - Well, think it over. We don't have to decide now. d) I thought you might like to go sightseeing. - That would be very interesting, but... - Well, if you are not keen on sightseeing, perhaps we could go to the theatre. e) How about playing a game of billiards? - No, I don't think so. - Well, have you got any other ideas? f) - I'd like to suggest we look around the factory before lunch. - Yes, I think that's an excellent suggestion. - Good. Now, what would you like to see?

Expressing certainty, uncertainty or ignorance.

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