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Translate the sentences

1. This investigation provided new methods for creating new synthetic materials. 2. Provided this synthetic fiber is cheap, it will be widely used in the manufacture of many products. 3. Our industry needs more and more new materials which can resist corrosion and high temperatures. 4. The need for cheap, good and beautiful materials is growing fast. 5. Phenol and acetone are needed for manufacture of plastics. 6. New products of organic chemistry are widely used. 7. The use f this new type of polymers helps to develop new machines for the investigation of cosmic space. 8. If you listed all the properties of these new materials, you would understand their importance both in our everyday life and in research. 9. The lists with all necessary equipment have been already sent. 10. Ceramic products are known to cover a wide range of things from small ones to big constructions. 11. Semiconductor is a material whose conductivity ranges between that of conductors and non-conductors.

6. Open the brackets choosing the suitable verb:

1. They (made up, made) this solution evaporate by raising the temperature. 2. These crucibles are (made, made up) from iron and porcelain. 3. Everyone knows that a molecule of water is (made, made up) of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. 4. High pressure (made, made up) the analyst stop carrying out that experiment. 5. In the presence of sufficiently powerful oxidizing agents, most substances can be oxidized, and (are made, made up) to serve as reducing agents. 6. A brief study of this method should be (made use of, made).

7. Open the brackets choosing the correct form of the verb:

1. It is necessary that this substance (should, shall) be analyzed under suitable conditions. 2. If they used these materials, the cost of production (would be, will be) much cheaper. 3. Everybody (should, shall) know that our scientists developed methods of obtaining strong and cheap glass fiber. 4. If you (use, used) such fibers, the material will be very durable. 5. Had they known about this new discovery earlier, they (would apply, would have applied) this method in their investigation. 6. Decrease the temperature lest the solution (would, should) evaporate. 7. Were I in your place, I (should, would) investigate the properties of these synthetic materials before using them. 8. The professor insisted that I (should, shall) take part in this work. 9. It is desirable a chemist (should, will) know the structure of a polymer. 10. Unless synthetic polymers possessed such valuable properties, they (will, would) not be so important for industry.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 740 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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