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1. The capture of neutrons by the atoms of uranium, thorium and protactinium is known (to result from, to result in) forming of heavier isotopes. 2. I can’t start working (till, until) he comes, as he has got all the necessary figures. 3. (Only, the only) chemicals examined in our laboratory should be used in our work. 4. The only method available for this work (till, until) recently was the gravimetric method. 5. Having carried out a number of investigations, Fermi succeeded in creating the (natural, artificial) isotopes. 6. Since the atomic nuclei of radioactive elements differ from (that, those) of nonradioactive elements only in the number of protons and electrons which they contain, it is believed that radioactivity (results in, results from) instability of certain atomic nuclei. 7. Ammonium salts greatly resemble (those, that) of the alkali metals especially (that, those) of potassium. 8. The positively charged particles are known to be called alpha-rays, (those, that) negatively charged are called beta-rays. 9. The ordinary heterogeneous reaction is (that, those) involving solid crystals with liquid or gaseous reactants. 10. The properties of the oxide of deuterium are similar to (those, that) of water but still there are small differences.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 403 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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