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Answer the questions. 1. When does an iron rod increase in energy content?

1. When does an iron rod increase in energy content?

2. What happens when an iron rod cools to its original temperature?

3. What are the examples of a physical change?

4. What kinds of changes are familiar to everyone?

5. What happens to the ice when it is heated?

6. When do bubbles begin to form on the rod?

7. When does the rod disappear altogether?

8. What is a chemical change?

1. Find the pairs of synonyms:

to rise, to change, to occur, to alter, to get, to take place, to obtain, to increase.

2. Find the pairs of antonyms:

to enter, to appear, to leave, to disappear, to evolve, to involve, to cool, to continue,

to heat, to cease.

4. Translate the following words and word-combinations:

Increase content until hot behavior to melt reverse original subsequent to result in instance state to note bubble to result from temporary alteration composition value totally simply  

4. Translate the following sentences, mind the Participles:

1. A change accompanied by the evolution of heat is described as exothermic, while one in which heat is absorbed is called endothermic. 2. The substance begins to melt if heated to a sufficient temperature. 3. The method involved depended on a number of factors described earlier. 4. If a given amount of energy is put into machine, the very amount will be developed, neither more nor less. 5. Experiments made with various elastic materials have shown that there is a simple relationship between the acting force and the resistance force. 6. A given molecule is able to move within the liquid from place to place. 7. Solids can be changed to gases when they are heated. 8. The experiments carried out in our laboratory resulted in many new investigations in the field of ceramics. 9. The energy produced by the splitting of the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear or atomic energy. 10. Mostly atoms contain uncharged particles called neutrons.

5. Open the brackets translating the Ukrainian words:

1. An iron rod (нагрітий) in the fire increases in energy content. 2. (При охолодженні) to the original temperature the substance becomes solid. 3. The question (про яке йшла мова) was discussed at the last melting. 4. The new experiment (про який казали) so much will be carried out again very soon. 5. The piece of ice (розміщений) in the water began to melt. 6. (При нагріванні) ice melts. 7. The text (переписаний) by him was very useful in our work. 8. The new device (продемонстрований) by our professor was very interesting. 9. (При випаровуванні) a mass of greenish crystals will be obtained. 10. The work (виконана) in time was very important.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 963 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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