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XII. Forces of Nature

1780–1832. Britain never had the kind of revolution experienced by France in 1789, but it did come close. In the mid-1770s the country was intoxicated by a great surge of political energy. Re-discovering England's wildernesses, the intellectuals of the "romantic generation" also discovered the plight of the common man, turning nature into a revolutionary force.

  Lord Nelson defeats Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar
  Abolition of Slave Trade
  Duke of Wellington defeats Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo
  World's first railway opens between Stockton and Darlington
  Robert Peel set up the Metropolitan Police force
  The Poor Law set up workhouses, where people without homes or jobs could live in return for doing unpaid work.

Task 1. Who were the following people: Duke of Wellington, Jean-Jacque Rousseau, Richard Davenport, Joseph Wright, Oliver Goldsmith, Philip Thickness, Thomas Buick, Richard Price, George III, Louis XIV, William Wordsworth, Edmund Burke, Charles James Fox, Tom Paine, William Blake, Mary Wollstonecraft, Jacobins, Whigs, William Godwin, William Cobbett, Henry Hunt?

Task 2. What do you know about the following events and places: Arcadia, the Industrial revolution, the Bastille, the Pennines, the French Revolution, Trafalgar, Waterloo?

Task 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What was the impact of J.J. Rousseau’s ideas on British public opinion and social lfe?

2. Describe the initial reactions of British politicians, poets and writers to the French Revolution?

3. What events caused the change of the public attitude towards the French revolution in Britain?

4. Describe the political and social situation in Britain prior and during the French revolution

5. How did the Industrial Revolution affect the economic and social life in Britain?

6. Who was the first British feminist? What do you know about her life and ideas?

7. What were the main events of the Napoleonic Wars and their aftermath in Britain?

To relish- наслаждаться

The gentry – мелкопоместное дворянство

Crag- утес

Crusade – крестовый поход

Chainmales- кольчуга

Terminally diseased – смертельно больной

Antidote -противоядие

Contaminate – портить, засорять

To cram- переполнять

Disciple- ученик

Desolation- запустение

Decay – упадок, разложение

Absentee – отсутствующий землевладелец

To smuggle – ввозить контрабандой

To be bonded – быть связанным

To turn a blind eye – намеренно игнорировать

Tempting- соблазнительный

Sycophantic- угоднический

Scoundrel- негодяй

Forerunners- провозвестники

Blissfully- блаженно

Denounce – осуждать, расторгать

Fraternal- братский

Wrack- сокрушить

Violate- нарушить

Hatchet- топор

Conspicuous – очевидный, заметный

Defiance – вызов, неповиновение

First flush – первый период влюбленности

Pariah- изгой

Exuberance- изобилие

A fifth column – пятая колонна, предатели внутри страны

Salvation - спасение

Lethal danger – смертельная опасность

Habeas Corpus– закон о неприкосновенности личности

Vulnerable- уязвимый

Repression- подавление

Stakes- ставки

Insurrection- восстание

Slaughter –(массовое) убийство

To scar – оставлять след

Fervent – пылкий

At peril to one’s life – с опасностью для жизни

The destitute – бедные, неимущие

Woes- горести

Cradle- колыбель

Work house – работный дом для бедных

Climax – кульминация

Carnage- резня

Slump – резкий спад

Weavers- ткачи

Spinners- прядильщики

Belligerent- воинственный

Parasites – паразиты, живущие за счет других

Yeomanry – добровольческие полки

Artisan- ремесленник

Dismount – сходить, спешиваться

Toembark- отправляться

Ferocity – гнев, ярость

To be embraced – быть встреченным с радостью

Abolitionism – аболиционизм, движение за отмену рабства

Wither – увядать, уменьшаться

Accomplice – сообщник

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