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XI. The Wrong Empire

1750–1800. The exhilarating and terrible story of how the British Empire came into being through its early settlements—the Caribbean through the sugar plantations (and helped by slavery), the land that later became the United States and India through the British East India Company--and how it eventually came to dominate the world. A story of exploration and daring, but also - one of exploitation, conflict, and loss.

  America declares independence from Britain
1780's Industrial Revolution Begins
  Steam powered cotton mill invented by Sir Richard Arkwright
  First convict ships are sent to Australia
  Edward Jenner invented a vaccination against small pox
  Act of Union with Ireland
  The first census. Population of Britain 8 million Ireland made part of the United Kingdom

Task 1. Who were the following people: George III, William Pitt, General Wolfe, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, the Mughals, Persians, Afghans, Robert Clive, SirajUdDaulah, Warren Hastings, Richard Wellesley, Tippu Sultan?

Task 2. What do you know about the following events and places: The Caribbean, Indian subcontinent, Appalachian Mountains, Massachusetts, West Indies, Barbados, the Seven Year War, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Montreal, Boston Tea Party, Yorktown, Delhi, Pondicherry, Madras, the Black Hole of Calcutta, Battle of Plessey, Bengal?

Task 3. Answer the following questions:

1. Describe the character and main features of the early British colonization

2. What were the main reasons of the transportation of African slaves to America

3. Describe Anglo-French rivalry in America in 17-18th c.

4. What were the principal events of the Seven Year War in North America?

5. What were the political and social causes of the American Revolution?

6. Describe the progress and results of the American War of Independence

7. Describe early British trade and colonizing activities in India

8. What were the main features and principal events of the British colonisation of India

9. Describe the British Raj in India in the 18th c.

Deprived of – быть лишенным

Manifold blessings – различные блага

To endure – переносить испытания

Coercion- принуждение

Quest- поиск

Swamps- болота

Commodity- товар

Acre – акр, мера площади

Deck- палуба

Venture- предприятие

Hold- трюм

Loathsome- ненавистный

Inconceivable- невероятный

Flogging- бичевание

The world was their oyster – все было в их руках

Alpha and omega -альфа и омега (первая и последняя буквы греческого алфавита), от начала до конца

To wipe out- уничтожить

Setback- препятствие

Stronghold -укрепление

Martyr- мученик

Status quo – существующее положение вещей (лат.)

Shrine – языческий храм

Yield – поддаваться (соблазну, искушению и пр.)

Repeal -отменить

Irrevocable – безвозвратный, окончательный

Valour -доблесть

Muskets -мушкеты

Militiamen – народное ополчение

To bite one’s nails – кусать локти, быть в состоянии бессильной злобы

Plunder- добыча

Whim – каприз

Benevolence- благоволение

Famine –повсеместный голод

To perish- погибнуть

Bhagavad-Gita – одна из частей Махабхараты, древнеиндийского религиозного эпоса

Conquerors- завоеватели

Standstill – полная остановка

Sepoys – сипаи, индийские наемники

Raj – британское правление в Индии

Foundation stone – фундамент, базис

Immensity – огромный размер

Tomfoolery- дурачество

Grandeur –величие

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 317 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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