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II. Explain the following. What does the author mean by saying?

1. On some days Phil opens up.

2. No one really knows with Knight.

3. One competitor likens Nike’s internal structure to the Winchester Mistery House, the Victorian mansion in San Jose loaded with staircases to nowhere, false passageways, and walls that open on walls.

4. He gives his people freedom to breathe.

5. You can hear a pin drop when he speaks.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. Was it easy for journalists to agree about an interview with Phil Knight? Why?

2. What did Phil Knight’s office look like? What did his subordinates know about his office?

3. Why didn’t Phil Knight allow anyone to see his office?

4. How does the author characterize Phil Knight?

5. Why did Knight call his company Nike?

6. Why is Phil called the ultimate delegator? Give examples.

7. What three things does Phil manage to do better than just about anyone in the business?

8. What do you think about his management style?

9. What mistake did the company make under the guidance of Bob Woodwell in 1983?

10. How did Phil Knight manage to regain the company’s position on the market?

11. Why did spend so much time attending sporting events? Was it beneficial for the company?

12. Why did Phil Knight choose Bill Perez as a future CEO of the Nike company? Why is Bill Bowerman so important to Phil Knight?

IV. Comment on the statements:

1. Whatever the reason, Knight happily ruminated in the highs and lows of his career.

2. Inside the office of the man who controls the most powerful shoe company in the world, no shoes are allowed. Not even Nikes.

3. Knight is a man who seems to embody exactly the opposite of what his creation extols.

4. He’s an introvert who loves attending big sporting events.

5. He is an advertising pioneer who introduced himself to his ad agency with “I’m Phil Knight, and I don’t believe in advertising”.

6. At any major turning point for Nike, it’s as if there’s a Knight-shaped hole in the room – he’s there, but doing what?

7. Soon Nike hit the rocks.

8. He liked to shuffle long-time executives around.

9. Knight is able to strive for something higher by bringing in heroes.

10. No one ever really knows with Nike.

V. Speak on the points:

1. Knight manages to do three things better than just about anyone in the business: hire good people, shuffle them around, and inspire the.

2. Organisational structure of Nike company.

3. The working environment in the company.

4. Management style at Nike.

5. The personality of Phil Knight.

Text 6

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 480 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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