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Are you saying that you can control your own destiny with good decisions?

Not entirely. Luck is still a factor. But overall our research is showing that the primary factors re­side more inside your control than outside. Yes, the world throws a lot at us, but the fundamental assumption needs to be like Southwest's—the ultimate responsibility for your destiny lies with you. The question is not what the world does to you but how you make an impact on the world. Decision-making is ultimately a creative act.

So it's hard to make good decisions if you don't really think they're going to make that much difference in the end. What else counts?

Our research shows one other variable to be vitally important for both the quality of decisions and their implementation. Look at Andy Grove deciding to abandon memory chips at Intel, Bill Allen and the Boeing 707, Reg Jones choosing Jack Welch to run GE, Darwin Smith selling the mills at Kimberry-Clark, Jim Burke standing firm in the Tylenol crisis, Tom Watson Jr. and the IBM 360. Those leaders were very clear that their ambition was for the long-term greatness of the company. And where decisions can go awry is when there's ambiguity or confusion about what you are really making decisions for—yourself or the company. 'Why should people throw their full creative energies into a decision that is ultimately about you?

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 270 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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