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UNIT 19. Disclaimers

1. Complete the sentences, using the appropriate words from the box:

as is; disclaim; with all faults; opportunity; liable; remedy; limit.

1. A disclaimer is an attempt to … the seller’s responsibilities should anything go wrong with a product.

2. Sellers can usually disclaim the implied warranty of merchantability by using such expressions as “…” or “...”.

3. Under the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act, sellers offering a writ­ten warranty may not … any implied warranty dur­ing the effective period of the written warranty.

4. Sellers sometimes use disclaimers to limit the consumer’s ….

5. The seller is not … in damages for injury to persons or property.

6. Courts will require that the buyer give the seller a reasonable … to repair the product.

2. Are the statements true (+) or false (-)? Correct the false statements.

1. A disclaimer is an attempt by the store to avoid responsibility for anything that goes wrong with the product.

2. Unless these or other easily understood words are used, the seller must actually use the word merchantability in disclaiming the im­plied warranty of merchantability.

3. It is impossible to disclaim the implied warranty of merchantability.

4. To be effective, the disclaimer must be written so as to be easily seen by the consumer.

5. Sellers sometimes use disclaimers to enlarge the consumer’s remedy.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 281 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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