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Sightseeing in New York

1. - I say, Robert, what are your plans for today?

- Nothing special. Why?

- You have been living in New York for eight years, so you know better what is worth seeing. Will you show me around?

- With pleasure. You’ll come for a ride with me and I’ll show you some of the sights.

- It will be very kind of you. You’ll act as my guide. I want you to see Greenwich Village. What is it famous for?

- That’s the artistic quarters of New York where outdoor art exhibitions are held.

- I heard Rockefeller Centre is worth visiting.

- That’s right. Rockefeller Centre consists of fifteen highrising buildings situated in Mid-Manhattan. The 70-storey RCA (Radio Corporation of America) building houses the Radio City Music Hall.

- Where is Wall Street.

- It is in Down Manhattan.

- Is it the financial centre of the USA?

- Exactly. There s the New York Stock Exchange and most of the banks of the USA.

- I see, I’m looking through “A guide to New York”. Coney Island is mentioned as the amusement centre. What else could you say?

- I can say it is worth seeing. It is New York’s seaside amusement centre.

- They say New York consists of five boroughs. Is Bronx one of them?

- Yes, it is. We are going along Fifth Avenue now.

- A very beautiful place. I know that very rich people live here.

- That’s right. Do you know what Time Square is famous for?

- No idea.

- It is famous for its theatres and movies.

- If I got you right, it is the theatrical centre of New York. Are there any parks in New York?

- We are approaching Central Park. It is a pleasure ground, besides there are a number of Museums there.

- I want to go to the Museum very much.

- We shall do it tomorrow. Agreed?

- As you say. Will you show me Park Avenue?

- Sure. Park is a fashionable residential section of New York. It is on the opposite side of Central Park from Broadway.

- What museums shall we visit tomorrow?

- I suggest the Frick Museum and the Metropolitan Museum.

- That will be more than enough for one day.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 232 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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