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Cultivation of

eg. the cultivation of tobacco

3) the deliberate development of a particular quality or skill.

7. wealth [welӨ] noun uncountable

1) a large amount of money, property etc. that a person or country owns:

eg. The country's wealth comes from its oil.

the distribution of wealth (=the way wealth is divided among the people of a country or society)

eg. The purpose of industry is to create wealth.

2) a wealth of something = a lot of something useful or good:

eg. There is a wealth of information available about pregnancy and birth.

wealthy [welӨi] adjective

comparative wealthier, superlative wealthiest

1) having a lot of money, possessions etc., syn. rich.

very/extremely/immensely/fabulously etc. wealthy

eg. He left as a poor, working class boy and returned as a wealthy man.

the wealthy nations of the world

2) the wealthy plural people who have a lot of money, possessions etc.

Synonyms: rich, well-off, wealthy, affluent, prosperous.

Rich is a very direct way of saying that someone has a lot of money and possessions. eg. She is one of the richest women in America.

Well-off means fairly rich, so you can buy most things. People are more likely to describe themselves as “well-off” than “rich”. eg. My parents were pretty well-off.

Wealthy is a slightly more formal word meaning rich, especially over a long period of time. eg. He came from a wealthy family.

Affluent and prosperous are fairly formal words, often used to describe societies where the economy is successful and the standard of living is good.

Affluent means rich enough to have things like expensive cars and holidays.

eg. People are becoming increasingly affluent.

Prosperous means rich and successful. eg. the more prosperous regions of the country.

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