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Conversational topic: The sights of Moscow

The magnificent building of Moscow State University (MGU) named after

Lomonosov is one of the first multi-storied structures built in Moscow. It was built in 1949-1953.

The main University, building situated on the Vorobyev Hills, is unique and of special interest. The departments and faculties, libraries, assembly halls, museums are all located in the central tall structure. The professors´ apartments and students´ rooms are in the wings adjoining the tall central tower. The university campus is a large students´ town in itself with its own shops, all kinds of services, several gymnasia and swimming facilities.

On a fine day a wonderful view of the Russian capital can be seen from the tower of the University.

The foundation of Moscow University was inspired by the radical philosophical and political views of Lomonosov. The University was established by the order of Elizabeth, the Russian Empress. In the late 18th century Moscow University became the centre of advanced Russian science and social thought.

Moscow has contributed greatly to the development of Russian and world scholarship. Moscow University has set up clinics, a Polytechnic Museum, a History Museum, and Botanical and Zoological Gardens. The University has given the world many famous people. Among its graduates were Griboyedov, Lermontov, Pirogov, Sechenov, Timiryazev, Zhukovsky and others.

Moscow University has numerous laboratories, scientific and research institutes. The staff includes over 100 full and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, famous for their work in all important fields of sciences.

Moscow State University is known world-wide for its academic excellence. The University, the largest educational institution in Russia teaches almost in all subject areas: Arts, Sciences, Law, Engineering, etc. It ranks among the top universities of the world. Here students can learn skills which fit them for a better career. Moscow state University reputation stays with its graduates- and their achievements in turn add to that reputation.

The Arbat located between Arbatskie Vorota Square and Smolenskaya Square is one of the most famous streets in Moscow. The Arbat is one of the symbols of old Moscow, which was celebrated in poems and songs. Today the Arbat is the name of a pedestrian street, but actually the Arbat is the whole district of Moscow that marked its 500th birthday in 1993.

Russian abbreviation VDNH means "Exhibition of National Economy Achievements". Recently it was renamed the All-Russian Exhibition Center. It is a very large complex containing exhibition halls, rest area, and a giant trade center. The All-Russian Exhibition Center is the most popular exhibition and fair complex of the country.

St. Basil Cathedral is one of the most outstanding monuments of Old Russian architecture. In the 16th century the tourists admired the beauty of the cathedral, and for the Russians it became the symbol of native history and culture. St. Basil Cathedral is a symmetrical architectural ensemble consisting of eight chapels surrounding the ninth one.

Kitai-Gorod is one of the oldest historical parts of Moscow. It joins the Kremlin from the east side, and Moscow River - from the south side. In the north it borders with Okhotny Ryad, and in the north-east - with Old and New squares. The south part of Kitai-Gorod is the oldest one. It is well known that in the 11th century it had already been inhabited.

The main religious attraction of Moscow is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. On December 25, 1812 Russian Emperor Alexander I signed an order, according to which it was supposed to build a temple dedicated to Russia's victory over Napoleon in Moscow. The new temple was to symbolize the feat of Russian people.

Metro. For the first time the idea of constructing the underground railroad in Moscow appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Moscow metro is considered to be a sort of museum, telling about the development of Soviet architecture in the course of the 20th century - from the richly decorated underground palaces to modern laconic interiors.

Ostankino Estate is one of the survived architectural monuments of the 18th century. First records of the estate date back to the middle of the 16th century when Ostankino was the place where the Shchelkalovis' estate with a small wooden church was located. In 1620 tsar Mikhail Fyodorovitch presented Ostankino to boyar I. Cherkassky.

Nowadays the Archangelskoye Estate, located in Krasnogorsky district of Moscow region, is the museum containing unique collections of paintings, engravings, sculpture and applied art of the 17th-19th centuries. Archangelskoye boasts one of the largest collections of rare books in Russia. It numbers about 16,000 volumes.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 972 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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