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Exercises. 1. Answer the questions

1. Answer the questions.

1. When was Moscow founded?

2. What is the total area of Moscow?

3. What is its population?

4. When did Moscow become the capital of the state?

5. What educational institutions and scientific establishments are there in Moscow?

6. What museums is Moscow famous for?

7. What theatres are highly popular with Moscovites?

8. What places of interest in Moscow do you know?

9. What can you tell about the Kremlin?

10. What place is the heart of the capital?

11. What is St. Basil´s Cathedral known for?

12. Is the Russian capital a modern industrial city?

13. What places in Moscow do you want to visit?

2. Agree or disagrees with the given statements using the phrases: as is known, that´s right, that´s wrong, in fact, on the contrary.

1. The area of Moscow is not large.

2. Moscow is not a scientific centre of world significance.

3. The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts contains works of prominent artists.

4. The Kremlin was built in the last century.

5. Moscow State University is the most attractive sight.

6. St. Basil´s cathedral is on the northern side of Red Square.

3. Complete the dialogue.

- Excuse me, is it possible to see anything of Moscow in one or two days?

- Well, yes, but of course, not much.

- What do you think I ought to visit first?

- I´d advise you to start with Red Square and the Kremlin. And do you like art galleries?

- I´m fond of them.

- Then, I believe you´ll enjoy visiting the Tretyakov State Picture Gallery.

- …

- …

4. Make up dialogues on the next situations. You may take your own topic.

1. The excursion on Red Square.

2. Historical sights in Moscow.

3. Moscow is a city of students.

4. Some evening in Moscow theaters.

5. Wonderful museums of Moscow.

6. Moscow sports facilities.

Expressions for making dialogues

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 943 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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