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Exercises. 1.Answer the following questions

1. Answer the following questions.

1) Is there a great variety of jobs in our country?

2) Can our young people choose any profession they like?

3) Is it easy to choose a profession?

4) What profession can you get at the University?

5) When did you decide to become an engineer?

6) Who helped you to make your choice?

7) Do you know much about your future profession?

8) What quality must a good engineer possess?

9) Why do the employers closely inspect an applicant?

10) How must an applicant look like?

11) Is it necessary to have good Curriculum Vitae?

12) What points should a resume include?

2. Discuss with your friend the following points.

1) What professions he knows; what professions he likes most of all; what his father’s (mother’s, sister’s, etc.) profession is; what he will do if he doesn’t enter the institute or university.

2) Why he has chosen this profession; why he doesn’t want to be a doctor or teacher; why he didn’t enter the university last year.

3) Who influenced the choice of his profession; who his favourite engineer is; who his favourite teachers of speciality are.

4) Whether he knows much of his profession; whether he knows about the difficulties of his future profession; whether his parents are satisfied with his choice.

3. What do you think? Give the reason for your opinion.

1. You should learn much to become a skilled engineer.

2. Every applicant for a good job is closely inspected.

3. Many young people fail to achieve the first impression of an employer.

4. Most people are motivated by wages and work satisfaction.

5. It’s no use to write good Curriculum Vitae.

4. Comment on the following quotations.

«Sweet is the fruit of labour». John Clarke.

«When work is pleasure, life is joy. When work is a duty, life is slavery». Maxim Gorky.

«It’s no work, if you love what you’re doing». Steve Sears.

5. Write your Curriculum Vitae. The following notes will help you to do it.

Start writing Curriculum Vitae with an outline of what makes you a good employee and what the employer in the field of your interests want.

Then write a rough draft of your CV. Keep it brief – but be sensible. 2 to 4 sides are usually best. Write in the first person. Stick to the point. An employer wants to identify your key skills and experiences by glancing at your CV. If it is hard work to get this information you will be passed over. Give maximum coverage to your most recent experience or the relevant skills for the job you’re after. Don’t leave gaps! Employers are suspicious of unexplained gaps in the timeline of a CV. If you took a year off to go traveling or were forced not to work because of the commitments, then say so. Review your CV. Be critical!

Finally, double-check your CV. Ensure that it is spelled and punctuated correctly. This is a serious business document and could make the difference!

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 1169 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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