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Conversational topic: Our University

The Chita State University was founded in 1974 as one of the branches of the Irkutsk Polytechnical Institute. In 2003 the university was awarded the status of classical university Today the Chita State University is one of the largest and prestigious higher schools of Eastern Siberia.

The head of the University is the rector. He is elected for 5 years period. The rector has 5 prorectors who help him to control the work of the university. They are: the first prorector, the prorector on scientific and research work, the prorector on study, the prorector on informational technologies, the prorector on social questions and public ties.

At present the Chita State University consists of 8 institutes: the Mining Institute, the Power Engineering Institute, the Civil Engineering Institute, the Institute of Technological and Transport Systems, the Institute of Economics and Management, the Law Institute, the Institute of Social and Political Systems and the Institute of Anew Training and Staff’s Rising Qualification. Besides the university includes an extra-mural department, the college of humanitarian and technical study, the lyceum. Each institute trains specialists for different branches of our economy and comprises several faculties. At the head of the faculties are the deans. Students solve all their problems at the deans’ offices.

Now there are more than 16 thousand students at all the institutes. The teaching staff is over 500 persons. Among them there are professors, assistant professors, senior teachers, assistants. More than 70 teachers have scientific degree of Doctors of Science and more than 250 persons have scientific degree of Masters of Science. Presently, the University occupies several buildings and our students are provided with everything necessary for the purpose. The modern specialist must combine fundamental knowledge with high professional level. At every institute there are libraries, many labs with modern equipment, computer centers. The libraries supply them with all the books and magazines they need for mastering their future specialties. The students have a reading hall, well equipped laboratories, specialized classrooms, comfortable lecture halls and computerized systems are at their disposal. There is also a museum at the Chita State University.

The first and second-year students study general subjects. In the third year they begin to study specialized subjects. According to the programme the theoretical study is accompanied by practical training. Students work at the research laboratories and in senior years at various industrial enterprises, plants, construction sites, power stations and various offices. The close cooperation of the University with different enterprise has become a tradition.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 1078 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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