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Conversational topic: About myself

My name is Andrei Ryabov. I was born on January 5, 1991 in the village of Preobragenka, Chita region. Two years ago our family moved to Chita where I live now together with my parents. We are five in the family.

My father is a doctor, he works at a hospital. He is always very busy. He has very little free time. He likes his job. My mother is a housewife. She has much work to do about the house, but all of us help her. I have a younger sister and a brother. Lena is a pupil of the fifth form. Although she is little she knows a lot of wonderful things. She is very clever and intelligent. I can talk with her for hours about history, literature and music. Lena has a good ear for music. She goes to musical school for piano lessons. My elder brother Boris is a lawyer. Last year he finished the Chita State University and now he works in a big company. Boris doesn’t live with us because he is married and has got his own family. But nevertheless he and his wife often come to visit us because are very united.

In May I finished school № 12 in Chita. I always did well at school and learned with great interest. I also took an active part in social life, attended sport sections and subject circles.

My favourite subject at school was Mathematics. Literature and Physics came easy to me too. I was on the top of the list in our class in these subjects but they were not so interesting to me. I also liked foreign language. I’d like to learn English more thoroughly to communicate fluently with people from different countries.

I’m quite sociable and easy to deal with. I have many friends with whom we spend much time together. Friendship is one of the greatest things in the world. I believe that a person can be happy if he has a true friend. My true friend is Sergey. Sergey is a very interesting person. He is bright, well educated, kindhearted and cheerful. Sergey is the only person with whom I share my problems, ideas and thoughts. He understands me very well, and he always tells me the truth. As for me, I can also add that I’m energetic, rather intelligent, patient, calm and never lose my temper. I love animals and children. My hobby is collecting badges.

My ambition is to become a skilled engineer. This year I passed my examinations very well and became the student of the Chita State University, the Civil Engineering Department. I hope my dream will come true.

You see, my biography isn’t long. I can only add that I’m fond of reading books on history and I’m keen on sports. I’ve got the first category in swimming and have many friends among sportsmen. I also like shaping, it helps me to keep fit.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 989 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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