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Dialogue 2

J: Well, Arnold, I remember you said once you were a B.A. Perhaps you could tell me how quickly you got those letters after your name?

A: At the University I studied History. It was a 3-year course. And after that I got a B.A. degree.

J: B.A. stands for Bachelor of Arts degree, doesn’t it?

A: Yes, which reminds me of my neighbour whose son has just got his B.A. A friend asked very seriously: ”I suppose your son will try to get an M.A. or Ph.D., next to which my neighbour answered: ”Not at all, now he is trying to get a J-O-B.”

J: Ah … he meant a job! That’s a good joke!

Exercise 2. Find English equivalents.

Система высшего образования, практические занятия, колледж с общежитием, колледж без общежития, общежитие (студенческое), территория колледжа (университета), жить в общежитии (о студентах), педагогический состав, лекционный зал, гимнастический зал, раздевалка, бакалавр гуманитарных наук, магистр гуманитарных наук, доктор философских наук.

Exercise 3. Ask your fellow-students:

1. Why it is preferable to study at the university;

2. What she/he knows about tutorials;

3. What she/he knows about the difference between a residential and a non-residential college (university);

4. Who lives in a hall;

5. What rooms can be found in a university building;

6. What sport facilities there are at a university;

7. What a B.A. is;

8. How quickly one can get those letters after his name;

9. What a M.A. is;

10. Which degree is higher: M.A. or Ph.D.

Exercise 4. Retell Dialogue 2 in Indirect Speech.

Exercise 5. Make up dialogues using the Active Vocabulary of the topic.

Suggested situations:

a) A Russian student and an English student are exchanging information on systems of higher education in their countries.

b) Two students of the English college are discussing their college life. One of them is enthusiastic about everything, the other is a dissatisfied grumbler and finds fault with every little thing.

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