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Private education

Outside the state system of education there exists the system of private or independent schools. These schools vary widely in type from small preparatory and preparatory (Prep) schools to the famous public schools. As well as the state school system they provide primary and secondary education,

Pre-preparatory schools take children up to the age of 8 or even 11. Then comes an independent preparatory school admitting pupils at about 7 up to 13. At the age of 12 or 13 pupils usually take the Common Entrance examination (exam). Girls take this exam at the age of 10. Those pupils who pass the Common Entrance exam successfully become students of a public school. Most public schools as well as preparatory ones are for either boys or girls.

The term "public school" corresponds to a private school, but in Scotland it refers to a State school,

About 10 per cent of children attend independent public schools which are for children of rich parents, not for the general public. Britain's 200 public schools take fee-paying children whose parents are able to pay several thousand pounds a year. Public schools are believed to provide a better education in comparison with state schools. They are also known to give the right social background for top jobs in the Establishment. Most public figures were educated in public schools.

Some public schools are rather old and very famous. One of the most famous and best known public schools is Eton College. It was founded by King Henry VI in 1440, when he was only eighteen. Today, there are about a thousand boys at the school. Because Eton College is so popular it is very difficult for parents to get a place for their sons. So some parents put their sons' names on the waiting list, while they are still babies! Those people who studied at Eton College call themselves Old Etonians.

The first education establishment of this kind was Winchester College opened in 1382, which is now very popular among the boys. Harrow School (founded in 1571) is known to have educated Winston Churchill (1874-1965), who was a politician, a member of Parliament (from 1900 till 1965), Britain's Prime Minister, the Nobel Prize winner, an honorary US citizen. One of the best-known British public schools for girls now is Cheltenham Ladies’ College (established in 1853). Not far from the southern city Brighton there is Roedean School known as the leading public school for girls.

Most public schools are boarding schools where students live during term-time. The discipline in public schools is rather strict. These may be the reasons why some wealthy people choose public schools for their children in Britain. A great number of former public school students become the students of the most famous and prestige universities. Oxford and Cambridge Universities are the first among them.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. Why are private schools also called independent schools?

2. What types of private schools are there in Britain?

3. What children can study at public schools?

4. What education do public schools offer to pupils? What are the most famous public schools?

Text 4

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

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