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Phonetic exercises

Exercise I. Pronounce the following words correctly paying attention to the ways of pronunciation of the stressed vowels.

[æ] grammar, bachelor, handicapped, national, preparatory, standard, sandwich, annually,

[a:] grant, master, task, regarded, pass, part-time, arts

[i] syllabus, admission, committee, infant, certificate, submit, curriculum

[o:] boarding, course, brain-storming

[Λ] public, overcome, encourage, number, compulsory

[e] level, academic, comprehensive, entrance, independent, secondary, attendance, assessment

[ai] pride, primary, provide, finals

[ei] examination, education, vocational, graduation, training, make, grade, enable, maintained

Exercise 2. Pronounce the following terms.

Bachelor of Arts [‘̀̀bæʧələrəv ‘a:ts]

Bachelor of Science [bæʧələrəv ‘saiәns]

General Certificate of Secondary Education [ʤenәrəl sə’tifikət əv ‘sekəndəri edju:kei∫n]

General National Vocational Qualification[‘ʤenәrәl ‘næ∫әnәl vә’kei∫ənəl kw)lifi’kei∫n]

Local Education Authority [‘loukәl edju:’keiə∫n):’θ)riti]

National Curriculum [‘næ∫әnәl kә’rikjәlәm]

University Grants Committee [,ju:ni’vә:siti ‘gra:nts kә’miti]

Infant school [‘infәnt,sku:l]

Junior school [‘ʤu:njә,sku:l]

Exercise 3. Pronounce the words and mind the difference in sounding.

/ə:/ /):/ or /)/

term – course

refer – order

university – accordance

person – although

service – honours

first – almost

research – awarded

work – want

determine - brainstorming

/i:/ - /i/

freeze - committee

degree - different

school leavers - admission

field - decision

teaching - discipline

people - supervision

receive - equipment

evening - single

/a:/ - /ʌ/

charge - result

staff - study

master - discussion

Glasgow - Durham

department - production

grants - self-governing

/æ/ - /e/

Bachelor - lecture

a graduate - necessary

exam - better

annually - assess

substantial - letters

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