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Grammar. Exercise 7.Translate into Ukrainian

Exercise 7. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. If he agreed to speak at the conference, we'd all be very happy. 2. It would be very convenient for me if we could put off our appointment till next Thursday. 3. If he agreed to speak at the conference, we'd all be very happy. 4. You wouldn't have so much trouble with your car if you didn't let other people use it so often. 5. They'd agree to pay more for the equipment if it were more up-to-date. 6. We'd buy more of these sets if your prices weren't so high. 7. If I were you, I wouldn't do it. 8. If I were him, I'd think twice before giving a definite answer. 9. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't agree with us. 10. The road's so icy. I'd be especially careful at the wheel if I were you. 11. If you compare the two projects, you will see a similarity between them. 12. Nothing would have happened if you had followed the instructions. 13. I wouldn't have cancelled the appointment if I hadn't fallen ill. 14. We would have managed to do more if we had begun earlier.15. I would have arranged everything myself if you had asked me in good time. 16. We would have stayed there longer if the weather hadn't changed. 17. If it hadn't been for the city’s residents the magnificent forests surrounding it on all sides wouldn't be in existence now.

Exercise 8. Make sentences of unreal condition referring to past time out of the following pairs of sentences.

Pattern: We did not watch the weather. We did not spare ourselves a wetting. – If we had watched the weather, we should have spared ourselves a wetting.

1. He didn’t earn a lot. He didn’t go abroad for his holidays. 2. Jane’s father was ill. They were finding it difficult to make ends meet. 3. Ann was having a lot of trouble at home. She was doing very badly at school.4. There was a smile on her face. I did not think she was in earnest when she made the statement.5. I had that book. I lent it to you willingly. 6. I didn’t buy the coat. I did not have enough money with me.

Exercise 9. Complete the following sentences with your own ideas. Use all types of conditionals.


1. What will you do if you ….?

2. He’d be more friendly if ….

3. If I hadn’t arrived, they....

4. If I lend you this book,...?

5. You wouldn’t have felt ill if you ….

6. If you had been arrested,...?

7. She’ll soon feel better if she ….

8. They wouldn’t mind if we....

9. If you see my brother, ….

10. Would you have sold your car if...?

11. If they ask you for money, ….

12. If you were asked to work overtime, …?

13. If he had listened to my advice, he …

14. If she didn’t gossip about her friends, she …


1. I (keep) a horse if I could afford it.

2.I should come and see you off if I (not live) so far away.

3. I should be disappoint)ed if they (not come).

4. If you (paint) the walls white, the room would be much brighter.

5. If he (be) here, he would answer you.

6. If we had no luggage, we (walk) home.

7. I would drive to the country if the weather (be) fine.

8. It would be cheaper if you (go) by train.

9. I should be delighted if she (teach) me English.

10. If he were in, he (answer) the phone.

11. If you (not belong) to a union, you couldn’t get a job.

12. If I hadn’t a typewriter, I (type) it myself.


1. If I (have) a map, I would have been all right.

2. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red, I (stop).

3. If I (be) ready when he called, he would have taken me with him.

4. If you had arrived a little earlier, you (find) me there.

5. If you had prepared for the exam more thouroughly, you (get) a better mark.

6. The man (be killed) if the train hadn’t stopped quickly.

7. If I had been in your place, I (not say) this.

8. If he had known that the river was dangerous, he (not try) to swim across it.

9. If he hadn’t lost his spectacles, he (be able) to finish this work in time.

10. I should have called you up yesterday if I (be) in town.


1. You’ll get pneumonia if you (not change) your wet clothes.

2. If she hadn’t changed so much, I (recognize) her.

3. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)?

4. If you (read) the instructions carefully, you wouldn’t have answered the wrong question.

5. If I had been ready when he called, he (take) me with him.

6. If I (be) you, I should have apologized to her.

7. We (stay) at home if we had known he was coming.

8. They (not believe) me if I told them this.

Exercise 10. Give sentences with the same meaning omitting «if» from the conditional sentences.

1. If I had time, I should study French. 2. If he should come, tell him to wait. 3. If he were in town, he would help us. 4. If I had enough money, I would travel. 5. If I had seen him yesterday, I should have told him about it. 6. If you should find them, kindly let me know. 7. The accident might not have occurred if they had been more careful. 8. If they had called at the office yesterday, they would have found me there. 9. If I were in his place, I should refuse. 10. If you had seen him, you wouldn’t have recognized him. 11.If I were you, I should go there immediately. 2.If anyone should call, please take a message.

Exercise 11. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. If the oil supply does not stop, the motor will work efficiently. 2. If you had translated the article, you could have used valuable data in your work. 3. Were I a newspaper man, I should write an article describing these events. 4. If you are engaged in this work you will solve this problem. 5. If a man were given time he could do much. 6. If the computer’s electronic memory had recorded all the operator’s commands, the picture would have been clear. 7. If liquids expand upon freezing, an increase of pressure lowers the freezing point. 8. If the metal had been heated slowly, the first changes in its appearance would have occurred at a temperature of 10000 K. 9. Were you an experienced driver, you would never have such an accident. 10. You would never get lost in new city if you took a map of it.11. If you had answered six questions in the competition, you would have won the first prize. 12.If you go there by plane, you will come in time for the conference 13. If it were necessary to increase the speed of this particular engine, it could be achieved by using a special device. 14. If I know the time of his arrival, I shall meet him at the station. 15. If the gathered date had been presented in time, the results of the experiments would have been different. 16. If the service life of the instruments had been prolonged, the economic effect would have been increased many times. 17. If the quality of the experiment were higher, the results of the experiment would be more accurate. 18. If he has all the necessary instruments, he will repair the machine much quicker. 19.

Exercise 12. Translate into English.

1. Якби автомобіль не їхав так швидко, нещасного випадку не сталося б. 2. Якщо він не прийде завтра, надішліть йому телеграму. 3. Якщо я буду там і побачу його, я скажу йому про це. 4. Цього б не сталося, якби ви були там. 5. Йому доведеться піти в лікарню завтра, якщо йому не буде ліпше. 6. Було б дуже люб’язно з вашого боку, якби ви могли це зробити для мене. 7. Чому ви не покликали його? Я певен, що він прийшов би, якби його покликали. 8. Мені потрібно було багато часу, щоб перекласти цю статтю. Якби ви мені дали хороший словник, я б витратив менше часу. 9. Вона б не губила гроші так часто, якби не була такою неуважною. 10. Якби ви сiли на бiльш раннiй поїзд, ми б змогли подорожувати разом. 11. Якби я знав, що він завтра прийде, я б не поїхав сьогодні ввечері до нього. 12. Якби я був певен, що він уже повернувся до Краматорська, я б поїхав до нього зараз. 13. Якби ви сказали нам кілька днів тому, що у вас є цей довідник, ми б попросили вас дати нам його на певний час. 14. Якби я знав його адресу, я б написав йому зараз, щo ви згодні допомогти йому. 15. Куди б ви пішли, якби були зараз вільні? 16. Нічого б не сталося, якби ви були уважнішими. 17. Ми не пропустили б початок, якби хто-небудь нас підвіз. 18. Якби це залежало від нас, ми б почали роботу негайно (відразу). 19. Я б зателефонував усім сам, якби знав всі номери телефонів. 20. Він би справлявся з цим, якщо б у нього був помічник.

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