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Genetic ….. uses the techniques of molecular cloning to alter the structure and characteristics of genes

2. For example, crop plants can be given a …. from an Arctic fish, so they produce an antifreeze protein in their leaves.

3. The antifreeze protein helps to …. frost damage.

4. Other genes, which can be put into crops, … a natural insecticide.

5. Genetic engineering techniques have found some successes in numerous ….

6. Two years later J.Watson and F.Crick indicated that DNA could be the medium of …. of genetic information.

Exercise 3. Insert articles a, an, the or 0 (no article):

1.... term “genetic engineering” was coined in … novel Dragon’s Island, published in 1951.

2. Two years later DNA was indicated to be able to transmit … genetic information.

3. Genetic engineeringconcerns … direct manipulation of … organism gene.

4. Gene therapy helps to treat … people with … genetic disorders.

5. In this case … new gene is put in after … person has grown up and become … ill.

Exercise 4. Traslate the following expressions into Ukrainian and use them in sentences of your own.

1) to assume responsibility / control; 2) to undermine someone’s reputation; 3) outstanding / remarkable achievement; 4) the most advanced scientific methods; 5) to a considerable extent; 6) a considerable amount of time; 7) to follow directions; 8) to give / issue directions; 9) essential difference; 10) obvious reason; 11) profound changes; 12) profound effect.

Exercise 5. Match the following words with their definitions.

A. 1) archives; 2) to deliver; 3) to draw up; 4) to examine; 5) major; 6) records; 7) staff; 8) to file; 9) the humanities; 10) a post-graduate.

B. a) studies emphasizing the cultural aspects of civilization;

b) facts concerning the past performance of a person;

c) to make s draft of a document;

d) to inspect in order to discover the facts;

e) a place for keeping public or government records;

f) a student who continues his studies beyond the first degree;

g) to utter, to pronounce to an audience;

h) to place so as to be available for reference;

i) the personnel of an organization;

j) an academic subject studied more than others.

Exercise 6. Rearrange the following jumbled words and phrases to form sentences.

1. to be, the document, copied, printed, and, illegally, is said.

2. still, are, under, the proposals, examination.

3. letter, the original, haven’t got, I, its copy, have got, I, but.

4. to deal with, twice a week, comes, a secretary, his, correspondence.

5. excellent, the, is, staff, teaching.

6. the computer, data, in, a mass of, stored, is.

7. temporary, now, a lot of, work, is.

8. documents, all, will be, the necessary, agreed, signed, and.

9. read, signature, his, I, couldn’t, illegible.

10. Value, practical, of great, has been, advice, his.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 930 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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