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C. Discussion


1. The functions of operating companies, drilling contractors and service and supply companies.

2. The ways of paying contractors for their work.

3. Companies involved in drilling work in Eastern Siberia.

Appendix 1


Identifying the Rocks

Rock structures that contain oil or gas are hidden from view by the sea or other rock layers but we can't just go around drilling lots of holes and hoping to strike lucky.We have to be more precise and start by doing a full survey of the area.

This i__1)where geolo__ __ __ __ __2)and geophy__ __ __ __ __ __ __3), the scien__ __ __ __ __4)who st__ __ __5)rocks a__ __6)their forma__ __ __ __ __7), are rea__ __ __8)valuable. A geol__ __ __ __ __9)looks a__10)the mak__ __ __11)of ro__ __ __12)- where th__ __13)are a__ __14)the forma__ __ __ __ __15)they ma__ __16). A geophysicist, a__17)the na__ __18)implies, us__ __19)the phys__ __ __ __20)characteristics o__21)rocks - th__ __ __22)magnetic a__ __23)gravitational prope__ __ __ __ __24), and ve__ __25)importantly, h__ __26)sound wa__ __ __27)travel thr__ __ __ __28)different ki__ __ __29)of ro__ __ __30)- to he__ __31)understand t__ __32)structures be__ __ __33)the Ea__ __ __34)’s sur__ __ __ __35). There a__ __36)clear diffe__ __ __ __ __ __37)between ign__ __ __ __38)rocks, wh__ __ __39)were for__ __ __40)when h__ __41), molten ma__ __ __42)from t__ __43)Earth’__44)interior coo__ __ __45)and solid__ __ __ __ __46)and sedim__ __ __ __ __ __47)rocks. Sedimentary rocks were formed when small worn particles of sediment were compressed together - like the sandstone described earlier or the muddy sediment that sank to the bottom of the sea at the same time as the organic material which went on to form oil and gas.

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