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Coiled tubing has been an important recent … in well completion and servicing. Coiled tubing is a … jointless, high-pressure-rated hollow steel tube or pipe which is brought to the … on reels of up to 5000 metres. It can be used in place of …, which is made of joined sections of pipe and is similar to a drill string. Special equipment is used to insert the tubing through the … into the …. This method is considerably quicker and more … than joining sections of pipe.
Coiled tubing has proved useful in applications, such as well stimulation and underbalanced drilling. It can also be used with … motors, driven by mud circulations, for certain kinds of drilling, such as drilling … wells from existing vertical wells. On different platforms coiled tubing is used for a variety of … and servicing tasks.
b) to pierce, casing, perforations, fluids
An important task is to perforate the well. A special gun shoots several relatively small holes in the …. It makes them in the side of the casing opposite the producing zone. These holes оr perforations, … the casing or liner and the cement around the casing or liner. The … go through the casing and the cement and a short distance into the producing formation. Formation …, which include oil and gas, flow through these perforations and into the well.
c) to set off, to install, to identify, to determine, to penetrate, collar, shaped
The most common perforating gun uses … charges, similar to those used in armor-piercing shells. Several high-speed, high-pressure jets of gas … the steel casing, the cement, and the formation next to the cement. A perforating specialist … the charges in the special gun and lowers it - usually on wireline, rather than drill pipe - into the well to the desired depth. The depth can be determined by running a collar locator log, which … the depth of each casing …. By comparing the log with the overall number and length of the casing joints, the operator can accurately … the depth. Once at the desired depth, the perforating specialist fires the gun … the charges (fig. 1). After the gun makes the perforations, the perforating specialist retrieves it.
d) casing, fracturing, formation, tubing, perforations, to be injected, to be exploded, to dissolve, to enter
Since the … is sealed with cement against the productive formation, openings must be made in the casing wall and cement to allow formation fluid … the well. A perforator tool is lowered through the … on a wire line. When it is in the correct position, bullets are fired or explosive charges are set off to create an open path between the … and the production string. If the formation is quite productive, these … (usually about 30 centimetres apart) will be sufficient to create a flow of fluid into the well. If not, an inert fluid may … into the formation at pressure high enough to cause … of the rock around the well and thus open more flow passages for the petroleum. In early wells, nitroglycerin … in the uncased well bore for the same purpose. An acid that can … portions of the rock is sometimes used in a similar manner.
IV. Match the following terms with their definitions and give their Russian equivalents:
Christmas tree, packer, blowout preventer, coiled tubing string, production string
1. The primary conduit through which reservoir fluids are produced to the surface. This type of strings is typically assembled with tubing and completion components in a configuration that suits the wellbore conditions and the production method. An important function of this string is to protect the primary wellbore tubulars, including the casing and liner, from corrosion or erosion by the reservoir fluid.
2. A continuous length of low-alloy carbon-steel tubing that can be spooled on a reel for transport, then deployed into a wellbore for the placement of fluids or manipulation of tools during workover and well-intervention operations.
3. A downhole device used in almost every completion to isolate the annulus from the production conduit, enabling controlled production, injection or treatment.
4. An assembly of valves, spools, pressure gauges and chokes fitted to the well head of a completed well to control production.
5. A large valve at the top of a well that may be closed if the drilling crew loses control of formation fluids. By closing this valve (usually operated remotely via hydraulic actuators), the drilling crew usually regains control of the reservoir, and procedures can then be initiated to increase the mud density until it is possible to open it and retain pressure control of the formation.
V. Explain the following terms using a specialized dictionary and glossary, give their Russian equivalents and make up your own phrases with them:
coiled tubing completion, perforation, coiled tubing unit, tubingless completion, tubing job
VI. Give English translation for:
1) Для перемещения газа, воды и нефти (т.е. добываемых флюидов) на поверхность в скважину опускают узкую насосно-компрессорную колонну, стальную трубку диаметром от 3 до 11.5 см, длинна которой может быть до 10 метров.
2) Согласно техническим условиям Американского нефтяного института, насосно-компрессорные трубы классифицируются по размерам, прочности, пропускной способности и необходимым видам резьбы.
3) Для формирования насосно-компрессорной колонны трубы соединяют друг с другом с помощью переходных муфт – коротких стальных цилиндров с внутренней резьбой.
4) Чтобы изолировать межтрубное пространство в нижней части насосно-компрессорной колонны устанавливают пакер, изготовленный из резины. Пакер герметично заполняет кольцевой зазор, находящийся между обсадной и насосно-компрессорной колоннами.
5) Пакер помогает сохранить центральное положение насосно-компрессорной колонны в скважине и препятствует просачиванию добываемых флюидов вверх по скважине вне колонны.
6) Насосно-компрессорная колонна защищает обсадную колонну от коррозии, вызываемой флюидами.
7) Из-за того, что обсадная колонна зацементирована в скважине, отремонтировать ее практически невозможно, насосно-компрессорная же колонна подвешена в скважине в свободном состоянии и ее можно свободно извлечь, отремонтировать или заменить в ходе ремонтных операций.
8) Раствор для заканчивания скважины – это вода или соляровое масло, которые используются для заполнения пространства между обсадной и насосно-компрессорной колоннами, для предотвращения коррозионных процессов.
9) Для механизированной добычи флюидов из скважины на конец насосно-компрессорной колонны закрепляют забойный насос.
10) Заканчивание скважины без применения насосно-компрессорной колоны практикуют на скважинах большого объема, в которых добываемые флюиды самостоятельно поднимаются по обсадной колонне.
11) Оборудование устья скважины монтируют к направляющей обсадной колонне или к кондуктору.
12) Устьевая арматура – это устройство, которое присоединяют к верхней части обсадной и насосно-компрессорной колонн.
13) Устьевая арматура служит для закрепления колонн, герметизации зазоров между колоннами и регулирования процесса добычи.
14) К составным частям устьевой арматуры относятся: головки обсадных и насосно-компрессорной колонн, фонтанная арматура, сальники и манометры.
15) Диаметр НКТ (насосно-компрессорного трубопровода) всегда меньше чем у буровой колонны.
Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 296 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!