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Chapter 4


Having worked through this chapter the student will be able to:

• describe the role of drilling in the exploration and development of a field.

• describe the steps involved in drilling a well, highlighting the reasons behind each step in the operation.

• describe the four major sub-systems of a drilling rig and the function of each system.

• describe the power system on a drilling rig.

• identify the names of each of the component parts of the hoisting system and circulating system.

• identify the names of each of the component parts of the rotary system and state its purpose.

• describe the procedure for running / pulling out of hole and making a connection.

• describe the basic components and the function of each component in the drillstring.

• describe the basic types of drillbit and the differences between a Diamond, Roller Cone and a PDC Bit.

• describe the influence of various operating parameters on the performance of a bit.

• list and describe the functions of drilling fluids and the properties which influence the capability of the fluid to achieve these functions.

• describe the most important properties of drilling fluids.

• describe the principle issues considered when programming a drilling fluid.

• list the main types of drilling fluid and the composition of these fluids.

• describe the operation of: a shale shaker; a desander and desilter and; a centrifuge.

• list and describe the principles of directional drilling techniques and their applications.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 219 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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