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A. Vocabulary Practice

I. Give English equivalents for:

1) колебание в скорости передачи; 2) акустические сейсмические волны; 3) сейсмическая разведка методом преломленных волн; 4) ударная сила; 5) пласт, характеризуемый высокой скоростью; 6) рыхлые горные породы; 7) низкая скорость; 8) отражение звуковой волны от пласта; 9) стратиграфическая последовательность пластов; 10) данные анализа проб; 11) буровой журнал; 12) диаграмма электрического каротажа; 13) в заданной последовательности; 14) насыщенность породы в скважине; 15) непрерывная запись; 16) отслеживает время; 17) оказались более удачными; 18) проводить электричество; 19) удельная проводимость связанной воды; 20) для определения разных слоев; 21) заданная длина; 22) вторичный метод разработки

II. Give Russian equivalents for:

1) massive crystalline rocks, 2) at a high angle back to the surface, 3) to transmit waves, 4) he reverse profile method, 5) establishing correlations, 6) miscellaneous data, 7) the recognition of key beds, 8) to enhance the chance of finding oil, 9) electro-magnetic potential, 10) proved to be more successful, 11) impact of well logging, 12) radioactivity can be measured, 13) the porosity of a formation, 14) sonic impulse, 15) helpful in locating reservoirs, 16) to visualize three dimensional structures, 17) to show variations in thickness, imaginary vertical cut, 18) a full understanding, 19) in a given area

III. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list below into the extracts and translate them into Russian:

prospecting, favourable, accurate, seepage, detect, surface, creeks, folds, deposits, salt, faults, traps

There is still no … way to predict the actual presence of underground petroleum …. Exploration methods carried out on the … can only indicate the presence or absence of underground formations that are … for petroleum accumulation.

Surface methods. A … of crude oil sometimes appears as a tarlike deposit in a low area. More often, it can be seen as a skim of oil on small … that passes through the seepage area. Such seepages of natural gas cannot usually be seen, though instruments can … natural gas concentrations in air down to less than one part in 100,000. A second class of surface … methods is based on surface indications of underground rock formations. In some cases, subsurface … and … in rock formations are repeated in the surface features. The presence of underground … domes may be indicated by a low bulge in an otherwise flat ground surface. Since these features usually produce possible petroleum …, drilling in the area may be productive.

b) sonar, mapping, primary, devices, dense, transmission, anticlinal, ground, gravity, indications, sensitive, precise

Seismographic methods. Most folds and faults in subsurface rocks are not apparent at the … surface. Seismic methods that have been useful for … such underground formations involve the … and echo-producing properties of rock in a manner similar to underwater … methods. Gravity meter surveys. The gravity meter has become a … exploration tool. Although gravity at the Earth’s surface is very nearly a constant, it is slightly greater where large rock formations lie closest to the surface. The … field, therefore, increases over the tops of … folds and other similar subsurface anomalies. A salt dome results in lowered gravity because salt is less … than other rocks. Gravity surveys are usually carried out from the air. A … instrument, the gravity meter, is suspended on a cable below the aircraft, while the recording … are operated from inside. As the aircraft is flown over an area on a … grid pattern, a map showing the gravity strengths is prepared from the recordings. These maps can show the presence of such possible accumulations spots as anticlinal folds, fault blocks, and salt domes, even though there are no surface … of such.

c) conducting, contain, vessel, geologic, likely, electromagnetic, magnetic, aircraft, determine, anomalies

Magnetic surveys make use of the … properties of certain types of rock. Most oil occurs in sedimentary rocks that are nonmagnetic. Igneous and metamorphic rocks rarely … oil and are highly magnetized. By … a magnetic survey over a given area, a prospector can … where oil-bearing sedimentary rock is more … to be found. Surveys are often carried out from … over land areas and from oceangoing … over continental shelves. A similar method, called magnetotellurics, measures the natural … field at the Earth’s surface. The different electrical resistivities of rock formations cause … that, when mapped, are interpreted to reflect underground … features.

d) arrangement, blocks, velocities, surveying, recording, artificially, “geophones”, obvious, fracture, properties, vibrations, interpretation

The survey methods described above can show the presence of large geologic anomalies such as anticlines (arch-shaped folds in subterranean layers of rock), fault … (sections of rock layers separated by a … or break), and salt domes. However, they cannot be relied upon to find smaller and less … traps and unconformities in the stratigraphic … of rock layers that may harbour petroleum reservoirs. These can be detected and located by seismic …, which makes use of the sound-transmitting and sound-reflecting … of underground rock formations. Sound waves travel at different … through different types of rock formation and are reflected by the interfaces between different types of rock. Geophysicists are able to … create vibrations on the surface and record how these … are reflected back to the surface, using sensitive pieces of equipment called …, imbedded in the ground. The data picked up by these geophones are then transmitted to a seismic … truck, which records the data for further … by geophysicists and petroleum reservoir engineers.

IV. Match the following terms with their definitions and give their Russian equivalents:

cross section, unconformity, geophone, gravity, reflection, anomaly, isopach, contour, refraction, bulge

1. The fact or phenomenon of light, radio waves, etc., being deflected in passing obliquely through the interface between one medium and another or through a medium of varying density.

2. A line on a map or diagram connecting points beneath which a particular stratum or group of strata has the same thickness.

3. The force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass.

4. An outline representing or bounding the shape or form of something.

5. The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.

6. A surface or shape that is or would be exposed by making a straight cut through something, esp. at right angles to an axis.

7. Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.

8. A surface of contact between two groups of unconformable strata.

9. An instrument for detecting vibrations passing through rocks, soil, or ice.

10. A rounded swelling or protuberance that distorts a flat surface.

V. Explain the following terms using a specialized dictionary and glossary and give their Russian equivalents and make up your own sentences with them:

seismic detector, shot point, a thumper, driller’s log, interstitial water, lithologic sequences, key bed, acoustic log

VI. Give English translation for:

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 310 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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