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I. Give English equivalents for:
оценивать зрелость органического материала; 2) мигрировать через полые участки пластов-проводников; 3) водопроницаемые пласты-проводники; 4) нефть, мигрирующая из материнской породы; 5) быть пойманным в ловушку; 6) просачиваться на поверхности Земли; 7) распадаться под воздействием химического окисления; 8) водонепроницаемые слои осадочных пород, залегающие под землей; 9) первичная / вторичная миграция нефти; 10) плавать на поверхности воды; 11) обладать большей плотностью, чем плотности нефти; 12) выделять два основных типа пород-коллекторов; 13) находиться в обломочных и карбонатных породах-коллекторах; 14) являться основными/ второстепенными; 15) различаться по размеру гранул осадочных пород; 16) зависеть от способа затвердевания; 17) происходить в результате давления вышезалегающих пластов; 18) накапливаться в огромном объеме; 19) покидать материнскую породу; 20) составлять лишь малую часть чего-либо.
II. Give Russian equivalents for:
to be generated in fine-grained sedimentary rocks; 2) insoluble organic residue; 3) the release of oil from the solid particles of kerogen; 4) the narrow pores and capillaries of the source rock; 5) to provide energy to something; 6) to become dehydrated by the removal of water molecules; 7) to be combined with the clay minerals; 8) to become sufficiently mobile; 9) to be generated in significant volumes/ in commercial amounts; 10) the compacting molecular lattices; 11) to expel from a source bed; 12) to move through/ to migrate through the pores of carrier beds; 13) to be termed primary /secondary migration; 14) to be based on pore size and rock type; 15) to form an oil accumulation; 16) to seep on the surface of the Earth; 17) to be broken down chemically by oxidation and bacterial action; 18) to be water-saturated; 19) to take place in an aqueous environment; 20) to result from active water movement; 21) the specific gravity of the water; 22) to be accumulated in a trap; 23) the capacity for transmitting fluids; 24) to be found in clastic reservoirs (sandstones and siltstones); 25) the most important factors in the migration and accumulation of oil; 26) to occur in shales, igneous and metamorphic rocks; 27) to range from about 5 to 30 percent; 28) to dependent on the size, shape, and grading and packing of the sediment grains; 29) the manner of the initial consolidation; 30) to be exception to the rule.
III. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list below into the extracts and then translate the sentences into Russian:
a) fluids, fractures, buried, permeable, to move, source rock, to escape, pore, pressure, to migrate
Oil migration
Much oil and gas moves away or migrate from the source rock. Migration is triggered both by natural compaction of the … … and by the processes of oil and gas formation. Most sediments accumulate as a mixture of mineral particles and water. As they become …, some water is squeezed out and once oil and gas are formed, these are also expelled. If the water cannot … fast enough, as is often the case from muddy source rocks, pressure builds up. Also, as the oil and gas separate from the kerogen during generation, they take up more space and create higher … in the source rock. The oil and gas … through minute pores and cracks which may have formed in the source rock towards more … rocks above or below in which the pressure is lower.
Oil, gas and water … through permeable rocks in which the cracks and … spaces between the rock particles are interconnected and are large enough to permit fluid movement. … cannot flow through rocks where these spaces are very small; such rocks are impermeable. Oil and gas also migrate along some large … and faults which may extend for great distances if, or when as a result of movement, these are permeable.
b) separation, seepages, to be dissolved, rocks, trapped, to be brought, oxidation, dense, viscous
Oil and gas are less … than the water which fills the pore spaces in rocks so they tend to migrate upwards once out of the source rock. Under the high pressures at depth gas may … … in oil and they may migrate as single fluids. These fluids may become dispersed as isolated blobs through large volumes of rock, but larger amounts can become … in porous rocks. Having migrated to shallower depths than the source … and so to lesser pressures the single fluids may separate into oil and gas with the less dense gas rising above the oil. If this … does not occur below the surface it takes place when the fluid … … to the surface. Water is always present below and within the oil and gas layers.
Migration is a slow process, with oil and gas traveling between a few kilometres and tens of kilometres over millions of years. Visible liquid oil … are comparatively rare, most oil becomes … and tarry near the surface as a result of … and bacterial action, but traces of natural oil seepage can often be detected if sought.
c) activity, surface, temperatures, seawater, limestone, sediments, common, cemented, to include, to accumulate
Sedimentary rocks are formed at the Earth's surface through deposition of … derived from weathered rocks, biogenic … or precipitation from solution. Clastic sedimentary rocks such as conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones and shales form as older rocks weather and erode, and their particles … and harden, as they are compacted and…. Biogenic sedimentary rocks form as a result of activity by organisms, including coral reefs that become …. Precipitates, such as the evaporite minerals halite (salt) and gypsum can form vast thicknesses of rock as … evaporates. Sedimentary rocks can … a wide variety of minerals, but quartz, feldspar, calcite, dolomite and evaporate group and clay group minerals are most … because of their greater stability at the Earth's … than many minerals that comprise igneous and metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary rocks, unlike most igneous and metamorphic rocks, can contain fossils because they form at … and pressures that do not obliterate fossil remnants.
d) viscosity, properties, capillaries, pressure, available, viscous, nitrogenous
Crude oil without natural gas is usually a dark, …, complex mixture of
a great number of hydrocarbons, sulphur and certain less common metallic and
… derivatives. When gas is dissolved in the crude oil its … are
effectively changed in favour of more efficient production. The density, …,
and surface tension are all decreased, making it easier for the oil to flow
underground and for less oil to be retained by the small … of the sand.
There is however one factor to be remembered and that is the formation
volume of the crude oil saturated with gas under … is greater than the
volume of the same crude oil after gas separation. Thus, corrections must be
applied in calculating the total reserve volume of oil … underground when
volumetric methods of estimations are used: the underground volume must be
multiplied by a shrinkage factor.
IV. Match the following terms with their definitions and give their Russian equivalents:
deposit, coal, sandstone, siltstone, sedimentation, limestone, shale stone
1. A carbonate sedimentary rock predominantly composed of calcite of organic, chemical or detrial origin. Minor amounts of dolomite and clay are common in this type of rocks.
2. The process of creation, transportation and deposition of sediments.
3. A clastic sedimentary rock whose grains are predominantly sand-sized. This type of rocks often contain feldspar, rock fragments, mica and numerous additional mineral grains held together with silica or another type of cement. The relatively high porosity and permeability make them good reservoir rocks.
4. A carbon-rich sedimentary rock that forms from the remains of plants deposited as peat in swampy environments. Because of its organic origin it cannot be classified as a mineral.
5. A fine-grained sedimentary rock formed by consolidation of clay- and silt-sized particles into thin, relatively impermeable layers.
6. Sedimentary rock primarily composed of silt, intermediate in grain size between the coarser sandstone and the finer shale.
7. Sediments that have accumulated, usually after being moved by wind, water or ice.
V. Explain the following terms using a specialized dictionary and glossary, give their Russian equivalents and make up your own sentences with them:
source rock, reservoir rock, porosity, permeability, suspension, emulsion
VI. Give English translation for:
1) Пласт-проводник представляет собой слой крупнозернистых пород, сквозь которые флюиды могут легко перемещаться из одного места в другое.
2) Коллектор - порода, которая может накапливать и пропускать флюиды. Она обладает как пористостью, так и проницаемостью.
3) Полые участки в породе называются порами.
4) Под землей поры горных пород заполнены флюидами, такими как нефть, газ или вода.
5) Пористость породы означает ее способность накапливать флюиды.
6) Пористость и проницаемость (способность пропускать жидкости/флюиды) пластов-проводников и пород-коллекторов – являются наиболее важными факторами в процессе миграции и накоплении нефти: чем больше пористость, тем выше проницаемость коллектора.
7) Проницаемость является показателем легкости, с которой флюиды могут проходить через породу.
8) Значительная часть пород-коллекторов состоит из песчаников и карбонатных пород.
9) Миграцией называется вертикальное и горизонтальное перемещение нефти из материнской породы.
10) Если на пути миграции нет ни одной ловушки, нефть или газ могут выходить на поверхность земли.
11) Из всего объема образовавшейся нефти только 10% попадут в ловушку, а остальная часть сохранится в материнской породе, потеряется в процессе миграции или выйдет на поверхность.
12) На поверхности Земли, нефть распадется под воздействием химического окисления и деятельности микробов.
13) В ловушке газ, нефть и вода располагаются соответственно своей плотности. Газ поднимается вверх, образуя газовую шапку, нефть распределяется в средней части ловушки, соленая вода, как более тяжелая, опускается вниз.
14) Наивысшая точка ловушки называется гребнем.
15) В ловушке выше породы-коллектора располагается покрывающая порода – непроницаемый слой, который не пропускает флюиды.
16) Отсутствие покрывающей породы приводит к утечке нефти и газа на поверхность.
17) Наиболее распространенными покрывающими породами являются соляные пласты, мел и хорошо сцементированные глинистые сланцы. Эти породы состоят из мелких частиц и обладают проницаемостью близкой к нулю.
Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 231 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!