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B. Vocabulary Practice

I. Give English equivalents for:

1) сложные молекулярные структуры; 2) абсолютно одинаковые; 3) парафины с более низкой плотностью; 4) наиболее распространенный элемент; 5) твердый парафин; 6) осадки, полученные в процессе перегонки; 7) этот ряд преобладает; 8) остатки живых организмов; 9) углеводородные соединения; 10) связи углерода и водорода насыщены; 11) основное загрязняющее вещество; 12) средние и тяжелые фракции; 13) ароматические углеводороды; 14) остатки перегонки; 15) широко распространенная атомная составляющая сырой нефти; 17) общее содержание серы; 18) общая формула; 19) органические соединения; 20) составляют небольшой процент; 21) удельный вес; 22) кипят при температуре 40ºС; 23) содержание кислорода; 24) встречается хлористый натрий

II. Give Russian equivalents for:

1) physical or chemical variations, 2) by weight, 3) the more viscous asphalts, 4) seemingly endless proportions, 5) the most common hydro-carbons, 6) a saturated straight-chain series, 7) n is an integer, 8) major constituents of gasoline, 9) a saturated closed-ring series, 10) liquid refinery products, 11) most of the complex residues, 12) asphalt-base crudes, 13) an unsaturated closed-ring series, 14) a small percentage of most crudes, 15) infinite mixtures, 16) important quantities, 17) low and medium molecular ranges, 18) large polycyclic molecules, 19) the total sulfur, 20) average Middle Eastern crudes, 21) release into the atmosphere, 22) metallic elements, 23) to occur in seawater, 24) close association, 25) siliceous skeletal fragments

III. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list below into the extracts and translate them into Russian:

a) fuel oil and gasoline (or petrol), viscosity, liquid, chemical products, refining, hydrocarbons, sulfur

Petroleum or crude oil, sometimes colloquially called “black gold” or “Texas Tea”, is a thick dark brown or greenish … It consists of a complex mixture of various…, largely of the alkane series, but may vary much in appearance and composition. Petroleum is used mostly, by volume, for producing …, both important “primary energy” sources. It is also the raw material for many … including solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, and plastics.

The oil industry classifies “crude” by the location of its origin (e.g., “West Texas Intermediate, WTI” or “Brent”) and often by its relative weight (API gravity) or … (light, intermediate, heavy). Refiners may also refer to it as “sweet”, which means it contains relatively little …, or as “sour”, which means it contains substantial amounts of sulfur and requires more … in order to meet current product specification.

b) percent, hazardous, enter, pollutants, aromatic, method, accidental, soluble, storage

Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), and substituted benzenes are the most common … compounds in petroleum, making up to a few … of the total mass of some crude oils. They are the most … and mobile fraction of crude oil and many petroleum products, and as such, frequently … soil, sediments, and ground water because of … spills, leakage of petroleum fuels from … tanks and pipelines, and improper oil waste disposal practices. BTEX are … carcinogenic and neurotoxic compounds and are classified as priority … regulated by Environment Canada and the US Environmental Protection Agency. A rapid, reliable, and effective … for direct determination of BTEX plus C3-substituted benzenes has been developed using gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC/MS).

c) products, source, determine, lubricating, additives, valuable, detrimental

Metal content in crude oils can provide … information about the origin of those oils, potentially aiding in identifying the … of oil spills. Crude oil assays often include nickel and vanadium contents due to the … effects of these metals on catalysts used in cracking and desulphurization processes. In … oils, metal contents can provide information on both the types of … used in the oil and on the wear history of the equipment being lubricated. ASTM method D 5185 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Additive Elements, Wear Metals, and Contaminants in Used Lubricating Oils and Determination of Selected Elements in Base Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), (ASTM, 1996a) can be used to … over 20 different metals in a variety of petroleum….

d) dissolved, mixture, concentration, applied, water, analysis, precise, solubility, depend

The solubility of oil in water can be determined by bringing to equilibrium a volume of oil and water, and then analyzing the water phase. This … can be done by purging and trapping the … hydrocarbons or, alternatively, directly analyzing the headspace above the…. Since oil is a complex … of components and each component has a different … in water, oil’s aqueous solubility is expressed as the cumulative … of the individually dissolved components. The composition and concentration of the solubilized mixture will … upon conditions used during equilibration. The term 'solubility' as … to oils is being replaced by the technically more … term 'water-soluble fraction'.

IV. Match the following terms with their definitions and give their Russian equivalents:

oxide, series, molecule, constituent, pollutant, asphalt, residue, density, proportion

1. A measure of the compactness of a substance, expressed as its mass per unit of volume;

2. Matter remaining after something has been removed;

3. Any of several black semisolid substances composed of bitumen and inert mineral matter;

4. The relationship between different things or parts with respect to comparative size, number, or degree;

5. Forming part of a whole, component;

6. A group or connected succession of similar or related things, usually arranged in order;

7. A substance that pollutes, especially a chemical or similar substance that is produced as a waste product of an industrial process;

8. Any compound of oxygen with another element;

9. The simplest unit of a chemical compound that can exist, consisting of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds.

V. Explain in English the following terms using a specialized dictionary or glossary, give their Russian equivalents and make up your own sentences with them: chemical properties, paraffins, naphthenes, aromatics, crude oil, light fraction, sulfur, decay-resistant organic remains

VI. Give English translation for:

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