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Nought point three two five

0.001 nought point oh oh one or 10~3 ten to the power minus three

You will also hear people say:

Zero point oh five or oh point oh five

But if the number after the decimal point is a unit of money, it is read like a normal number:

£12.50 twelve pounds fifty • 2.95 two Euro ninety five

NB. This is very important. When you do business on the phone, say nought point three seven

Five (0.375) and not nought point three hundred and seventy five. If the listener missed the word

“point,” you might lose a lot of money. Say the digits separately after the point.

Per cent

The stress is on the cent of per cent — ten perCENT

Notice the following when talking about interest rates:

A half of one per cent

A quarter of a percentage point

Hundreds, Thousands, and Millions

In British English you hear

In American English you usually hear

The number 1,999 is said

The year 1999 is said

The year 2000 is said

The year 2001 is said

The year 2015 is said

A hundred and twenty three

A hundred twenty three

One thousand nine hundred and ninety nine

Nineteen ninety nine

The year two thousand

Two thousand and one

Two thousand and fifteen or twenty fifteen

Note: It is likely that different people will refer to the early years of the 21st century in different

Ways. Remember that the year 1066 is always referred to as ten sixty six — not one thousand and

sixty six. '

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 344 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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