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In what way, do you think, the national capital of Russia is capable of sustaining the competition

of transnational corporations?

What would you suggest we could undertake for the formation of transnational corporations

Within the framework of CIS (e.g., in the field of metallurgy and the aerospace industry, the

automobile industry, and the like)?


What would you suggest we could undertake for the formation... — что бы вы предложили

Сделать для создания...

CIS — Commonwealth of Independent States

Written Practice

Summarize the unit in a paragraph of about 300—350 words.

Saying Numbers

1. Zero, Nought, Oh!

We say oh after a decimal point 5.03 five point oh three

In telephone numbers 67 01 58 six seven oh one five eight

In bus numbers No. 701 get (take) the seven oh one

in hotel room numbers Room 206 I’m in room two oh six.

In years 1905 nineteen oh five

We say nought before the decimal point 0.02 nought point oh two

We say zero for the number 0 the number zero

For the temperature - 5 С five degrees below zero

The Decimal Point

In English, we use a point (.) and a comma (,) for decimals. We use commas in figures only

When writing thousands.

Is ten thousand and one

Is ten point oh oh one

When accounts are prepared on computer, commas are not used. The number appears as 82103.

In English all the numbers after a decimal point are read separately.

Ten point six six not ten point sixty six

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 212 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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