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Of advising the government on privatization and the private finance initiative and firms on mergers

And take-overs and other financial matters.

Many merchant banks are well known, e.g., Rothschilds, Barclays de Zoete Wedd (BZW).

Lazards and Schroders. Merchant banks are also referred to as issuing houses, accepting houses or

Investment trusts in exercising particular functions. The merchant banks are relatively small institutions

Which pride themselves on their personal, flexible management. There has been a recent

Trend, especially following the Big Bang, for merchant banks to join financial conglomerates, so as

To be able to offer a full range of financial services, including retail services, and many of these

Banks in London are foreign-owned.

Commentary and Notes to Text

Bills of exchange — вексели, тратты

Insurance banking — банковское страхование

Hire purchase — покупка в рассрочку

The private finance initiative — частная финансовая инициатива

Take-over — поглощение

Issuing houses — эмиссионные дома, банки

Accepting houses — акцептные дома

Retail services — розничные услуги

Merchant Banks

Match the following terms with the correct definition

Work with a partner.


Market capitalization


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B) A stock exchange speculator w a) ho isnAsenweu fseoahrs tso.iltrsaebdhoy itacehnouw jtfrsacebko

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 166 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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