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To claim on assets — предъявлять права на активы

To suspend — временно прекращать, приостанавливать

Par value — номинал

Face value — номинальная стоимость

No-par stock — акция без указания номинальной стоимости

Option trading — торговля опционами

Contractual agreements — целевые соглашения, соглашение, основанное на договоре

Stock certificates (certificates of stock) — сертификаты на акции Read the text “Securities — Bonds,” translate it and comment on the specific features

Of obtaining earnings from all kinds of bonds.

Securities — Bonds

A bond can be thought of as basically a loan agreement. It is a certificate showing that the

Bondholder has lent a specific amount of money to a corporation or to a government agency and

Expects to be repaid with interest at some specified date. Interest is usually paid periodically. Bonds

Confer no rights of ownership, but they do carry a legally enforceable promise to repay.

Most bonds are offered in 1,000-dollar denominations. Others, called baby bonds, come in

Or 100-dollar denominations. Bonds are not sold singly, however, but in round lots — usually

Of 100,000 dollars. Consequently, the small investor is not the usual bond buyer. Most bonds are

Purchased by institutional investors — insurance companies, foundations, colleges and universities,

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 180 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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