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Рыночная цена — это денежная сумма, которую намерен получить продавец, предлагая

Товар или услуги, и которую готов заплатить покупатель.

На мировом товарном рынке процесс ценообразования имеет свои особенности.

Multiple Choice Comprehension Check (basic Text 17.4)

Check the comprehension of the text choosing the answer which, you think, is correct.

1. A commodity market is characterized by:

A) A single prevailing price for commodities of uniform quality (law of one price).

B) Competition between producers and consumers.

C) Short-term single transactions with the prompt delivery of goods.

2. What indices can be referred to the sphere of material production?

A) A share price, the size of the discount rate (the rate of discount), bank deposits.

B) Export, import, reexport, reimport, import quotas.

c) Absolute and relative indices (volume [output] — of production, harvest; wage [salary] level;

Productivity; the number of employed); and also direct and indirect indices (employment,

wages [pay-roll] fund [фонд заработной платы]; length of a working week, etc.).

3. What can be referred to the indices of the internal turnover?

A) The data on the volume (output) of capital investments in industry and agriculture.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 168 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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