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E) The data on the level of capital investments also show the growth vector of the decrease of the

Business activity.

F) Prices is the most important business barometer of the market economic situation. This index is

Aggregating, integrating, and synthesizing all other parameters. Acquisition and processing of

Data on the market (business activity) allow to carry out the market investigations (analysis) of

The world (global) economy, national economy and commodity markets, and trends in the development

Of separate companies and firms.

A systematic survey (research) of the business activity allows to forecast developments in various

Economic fields (general economic forecasting, demand and supply, production and consumption,

Sale, prices, etc.).

Terminological Vocabulary to Text 17.4. Try to memorize it

Feature — признак, черта

Raw materials — сырье

Coverage — охват

Commodity branch (market) — товарная отрасль (рынок)

Sphere — сфера

Consumer goods — потребительские товары

Wholesale (market) — оптовый (рынок)

Retail (market) — розничный (рынок)

Preferential (market) — преференциальный (рынок)

Index, (pl.) indices — показатель

Turnover — товарооборот

Solvency — платежеспособность

13. consumer’s loan (consumer credit) — потребительский кредит

The) value of the consumer basket — стоимость потребительской корзины

Stock — запас

Bankruptcy — банкротство

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 214 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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