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B) The scale and degree of business activity, the level of commercial risk, and various cyclic


C) The scale and degree of business activity, it is hardly possible that someone would be interested

In the market situation at a certain point of business activity.

4. Market analysts use extrapolation, i.e., extend the observed trends into the future (продлевают в

Будущее наблюдаемые тенденции). In this case, should we take into consideration the competition

and the stage of the economic cycle in which the market exists?

A) We should take into consideration the conditions in which competition occurs — the market

Conditions and structure (pure, or perfect competition, monopolistic competition, free competition),

As well as the degree of a monopoly, monopsony, oligopoly, etc.

B) We should consider both the level of competition and the stage of the economic cycle in

Which the market exists. Only in this case a proper forecast can be made.

C) Competition, probably, should be considered, but it is not of primary importance. The main

thing is the economic stage in which the market exists: a rise, recession or stagnation, a rise

Or decline in the business cycle, etc.

5. What in the market situation survey is of particular interest to businessmen who are engaged in the

production and sale (realization) of certain goods?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 171 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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