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Photovoltaics — фотоэлектричество

Technically feasible — технически осуществимый

Magnetic resonance imagery — магнитно-резонансное устройство формирования изображений

Recombinant — рекомбинантный (термин относится к генетике)

Bioremediation technology — технология биокоррекции


Match the following terms with the correct definition

Work with a partner.


Ro.56. iscraon.tc3a4yaliergntla itcaplaultceleitnonitaovny

A) Practical application of scientific knowledge in the design,

Construction and control of machines, public services such as

Roads, bridges, electrical apparatus, chemicals, etc.

A) Practical aplication of scientific knowledge in the design, construction and control machines, public servicesuch as roads, bridges, electrical aparatus, chemicals, etc.

C) The sum of knowledge of the means and methods of producing

Goods and services

D) All of the costs associated with exchanging, including the informational

Costs of finding out price and quality, service

Record, and durability of a product, plus the cost of contracting

And enforcing that contract.

E) A percentage of the revenue from the sale of know-how, performance

Of a work, use of a patented invention or of land, of

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 187 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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