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Of the electromagnetic spectrum have applications in magnetic resonance imagery, microwaves,

And lasers.

The field of biotechnology is currently dominated by advances in health applications (therapeutics

And diagnostics), which are quickly spreading to other areas. An increasing number of

Health products are entering the market, including recombinant human insulin, growth hormones,

Interferons, enzyme-mediated diagnostic kits, and recombinant vaccines. Marine biotechnology

Is allowing better disease prevention and control of reproduction in fish, leading to

The creation of new possibilities in aquaculture. In the environmental field, bioremediation technology

Is improving waste site cleanup and forest restoration-and providing new methods for

Waste and water treatment, environmental monitoring, and air quality management. In agriculture,

Biotechnology applications are allowing increased animal production and better survival in

Marginal areas, improved animal health, and greater use of biofertilizers and genetically manipulated

Micro-organisms. Future developments are expected in biosensors, biomaterials, and bioelectronics.

Vocabulary Notes to Text

Digitalization — дигитализация

Bandwidth — полоса пропускания

Prosthetics — протезирование

Combined-cycle combustion turbine — турбина с комбинированным типом возгорания

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 238 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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